Sad In Cedar Rapids
Hi guys, I feeling really down. Work is real stressful and I want to
changes jobs Now... But I am schduled for surgery in 7 weeks. I know
If I changs jobs now that it would change everything. I would have to
go through my husbands insurance and wait untill I have been with the
company a while before I could get time off... Its just that I am
hating it at work and I worried I won't be able to handle the stress
Right now I am trying to lose weight and not gain because U of Iowa
are real strict with gaining weight before surgery. The want to
be sure you can handle the life style changes ect... Yesterday was
a bad day. Not only did I overeat I didn't go to the gym. Than this
morning I start my day out at McDonalds. Now I am feeling guilty
Help!!!! Needing support.....AHHHH!!!
Hi Lisa, I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better. You are intitled to a few breakdowns, I know the stress part. I do'nt work right now, am on disibility, I can't walk on my own or put my own shoes on or do all or any of the things I use to do not so very long ago, and the pain is awful on a daily basis and nobody seems to understand or want to help me (Drs. that is) My days consist of crying and screaming due to the inability to have any quality of life so I do know how to hate something real bad as you do with your job. I hope things will be better for you tomarrow and every other day but if they are not, please feel free to email me a scream your head off threw words, I'll listen. Don't feel guilty about nothin', it's done and over just try not to repeat it that's all you can do. Take care and cut yourself some slack. ~Tina~
Hi LIsa, Boy can I relate to you I have quite a few days like that hating my job with a passion, but than I thank God that I have a job alot of people don't. As for you having a lapse with your diet I was told by my behavioral counselor that you can have them at least once as long as you don't make a habit of it. Don't be so hard on yourself we are our own worse enemy when it comes to feeling guilty so don't , just think how you'll look in a few months . Take care and think happy thoughts^ Sheila
Lisa my Angel: Hang in there. Just keep telling yourself that better days are on the way. Try coming home at night and beating the heck out of a pillow. It relieves stress and if you do it long enough you can get some excersise too
. Seriously we all have days/weeks like that. Talk to your pcp about maybe an antidepressant. It may help get you through all this crap in preperation for your new and improved life. ( God that sounds like a commercial doesn't it?)~~~Amy