Help! Has anyone had a hernia???
Michelle H.
on 7/4/03 1:58 pm
on 7/4/03 1:58 pm
I had my appendics out when I was only five and infection left a huge nasty looking scar. About a month ago the scar started breaking open and it keeps getting bigger. Its not infected, just very uncomfortable. Along with that I have a wierd feeling in my stomach. Not nausea, I can't describe it. I can feel the pain going into my side as well as the site of the crack. If any of you have had a hernia would you please describe to me how it felt? I am about a month pre-op and the doc said he would not resect that old scar along with my RNY cuz it would be too traumatic to do both. I'm going to wear caftans and a binder post-op so I don't have anything rubbing on my tummy which should help it heal. Any ideas would be welcome!
I had a incisional hernia from my vbg..and it didn't stretch the scar. All it did was start hurting when i touched the spot... brushed it on the counter while doing dishes....and hurt like hell when i bent over. I had intestines pulled through the muscle wall of my stomach...and did alot of physical work with it like that for 2 days... the dr.s said i could have had to have part of my intestines removed if i would have waited very much longer... SO DONT WAIT.. GO THE DR. IF YOU THINK IT'S A HERNIA.. they will let you know what it is.
I have a hiatal hernia and have never felt any pain from it, actually I didn't even kow I had one till pre-op testing showed it. Everyone that I know with hernias only has internal pain... do you have a breakdown of your skin? I would go to the doctor just in case, even if it not a hernia, better to be safe rather than sorry. Good luck and keep us posted! ~Julie