I will remain calm...I wll try to remain calm...I'm going to loose it!!!!!!
Okay, it wil be okay....I #@$@@*& @%* $$. I left this morning and had to spend time with my mother-in-law.(this is another story and lesson in patients) When I returned there was a message on my phone from the nurse at the dr's office. "Please call". I returned the call at 12:30 and was told that she would be back later this afternoon. I asked "at what time", partially because I don't like to wear my phone as a pendant for the afternoon and would like to get some space from it. I was told that she would be back at 4:00. Okay, I can handle that....4:00 comes and I'm thinking--she has some calls to return and she'll get to me...........4:15...4:23.. 4:32...4:42...okay time is up for me. Maybe she's swimming in paper work and needs a rescue....I'm there for her....."The office closes at 4:30!" is the answer I get. GRRRRRRRFRRRRRR Now I have to wait until tomorrow, but tomorrow I have to take my mother-in-law to her doctor's office. Then I know she's going to want some quaility time with me. (She 89 an looks to me for entertainment...either that or she's lonely...probably both) Friday I have to take her to another doctor's appointment.....I feel dizzy from all the run around......
It's okay...I'll breath deep and listen to some new age music...the call was probablly just a followup from yesterday...it's not rocket science or world peace....just a little followup.....not like the insurance company wants to change everything and say no........no no no....it can't be that. Then what if someone wants to change my date???? Hummmm...later, Hummm... earlier.
hummm...hummm..hummm...things that make you go hummmmm
thanks for listening~Linda~
DEEP BREATHS.... well it's Thursday have you found out what they needed??? Make sure you keep us updated!! And I think you are an angel to spend so much time with your mother in law... it takes a special person to be on call for another person like that. You sound like a wonderful daughter in law. Update us when you can!!! ~Julie