DAWN- did you have appt's yesterday? (more)
I've been waiting to hear the results from the xrays before i posted SILLY!!!
I'm glad you were thinking of me..i feel soo loved .. sniff...sniff
Ok.. heres the scoop.. I went for my x-rays yesterday morning.. didn't have to swallow the crystals (pop-rocks hehe) but i did have to swallow a TON of the barium crap... ewwwwww. It was really kewl to watch the barium go down.. i thought this would be real xrays..but it was more like an ultra sound or something....you could watch the screen real-time...kinda neat! ANYWAYSSSS ... the Xray Dr. told me that it looked like the barium was going STRAIGHT to my duadium... so either my band was eroded or the staple line pulled out. He took some more xrays.. and went back to study them, and I didn't get to ask him what he found out. Soooo i called my Surgeon yesterday at 4:30 and they hadn't gotten the report yet, and they said to call them this morning. I called them this morning and they told me to call back LATE morning, the Dr. was in surgery and would be back in the office by then. I called back about 2:30pm and they said that he was BACK in surgery and hadn't looked at my xray report yet. Sooo he will be calling me back later this afternoon or this evening. (needless to say im not holding my breath ugghhh!) I just want to know if he thinks he's going to be able to do this or not... and im tired of waiting
I DID call my ins. company though and they said that the dr.s office hadnt submitted my paperwork yet, but they would approve/reject within 4-5 days of recieving it!!!! whooHOOO
that's definately good news! I will probably not have my surgery until July 25th, as the business I work for is moving into a new facility and I'd like to be settled into that routine before I committ to this journey. Although if i could get into have it done at the end of the month...and be back to work by the 12th of July that would be kewl too...but that's not gonna happen, as he is booking into the first week of july now. So I am setting my sights on the 25th of July. It's a friday... so i might only miss one week of work if i only stay off 10 days. I'm hoping. Well, now you all know what I know and I will keep you updated as i find out more
. ~~~~~~~~Dawn~~~~~