Get to know you questions- everyone answer, even the lurkers! (more)

Julie D.
on 6/3/03 2:58 am - Clinton, IA
How many children do you have and a little about them? How about pets? What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? When I say swimsuit, you say....? What is the last book you read? Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow? Cut and paste the questions if that would be easier for you to answer. I would like to see everyone answer them, just to get an idea of how many people look at the board. If you don't want to share personal details, then at least post your name and if you have had surgery or are thinking about it. Thanks guys!! ~Julie
Julie D.
on 6/3/03 3:03 am - Clinton, IA
How many children do you have and a little about them? ~~ My husband and I have 6 children between the 2 of us. My son, Jake, his daughters Ashley Kim and Emily, and our son Ryan and our babygirl Hannah.~~ How about pets? ~~We have enough children, thank you very much!!!~~ What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? ~~Ummm, I shaved the back of it so you couldn't tell when it was down, but when I pulled it up into a ponytail I was bald! I was 22!~~ When I say swimsuit, you say....? ~~AAAAACK!! I am so self-consious, I wear a size 22 suit even though my clothes are 12's and 14's.~~ What is the last book you read? ~~I am getting ready to the Perks of Being a Wallflower, just read Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag.~~Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow ~~I honest to God want to go to Disney World again. But without kids, tee hee!~~ Julie
on 6/3/03 5:36 am - Des Moines, IA
How many children do you have and a little about them?~~~~I have two kids, a two year old Caleb Kenneth (after my father) and a two month old Danielle Helen (after my mom). ~~~What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair?~~~I tried to dye it blue, but it ended up a green-yellow.~~~What is the last book you read? I read the house of sand and fog. It was pretty good. I attend college in the fall and spring so I dont usually have a lot of time to read. ~~~Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow? I would probaly go to the Poconos Mountains, or DisneyLand in San Diego.
Damena K.
on 6/3/03 5:40 am
How many children do you have and a little about them?-- 3; Courtney=11, Jerin=8 almost 9 in Sept, and Cameron=will be 3 in Oct. How about pets? -- 2 cats; although I prefer dogs I was talked into these cats they are 8 mo old 1 girl, Bailey, and a boy, Butterscotch. I named them after my favorite drink. What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? -- I have never gone really "crazy" with my hair. It is naturally curly and I think it is crazy enough without my help. When I say swimsuit, you say....? -- Maybe next year. What is the last book you read?-- I am in the middle of "The Control Freak" a self help book really to help me to give up some control and deal with others I feel that take control of me. The last book I read completely was "Timeline" by Michael Crichton. Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow?-- We went to Germany last Oct. It was actually my reason for looking into surgery. The plane was horrible I had bruises everywhere from the seats and my husbands jeans actually made bruises on my legs we were so cramped. So if I could go somewhere tomorrow (being heavy) I would probably choose somewhere I could drive like Chicago or KC. If I were thin tomorrow I would go on a cruise to Alaska. (which I am planning in 2005) Ok all questions answered, whew...easier then I thought.
Dawn P.
on 6/3/03 8:42 am - Duncombe, IA
How many children do you have and a little about them? I have 2 children (3 counting my husband..hehe) My daughters are ages 9 and 11 (12 next month). They are both very bright young ladies with good heads on their shoulders ( i just hope they use them!!) Both my girls are overweight, but my oldest daughter already is 5'7 and weighs 200 lbs... so I am hoping if this surgery works for me, maybe someday she can have it done too if she wishes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~`How about pets? We have 4 horses, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 fish. We have raised, bottle fed and released everything from baby squirrells and rabbits to baby robins that have fell out of trees.. we are BIG animal lovers. ~~~~~~~~~~ What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? I died it BRIGHT red... i looked like bozo the clown!! ughh!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I say swimsuit, you say....? VERY LARGE T-SHIRT coverup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What is the last book you read? Ummm.. that would have to be the brand new (5th book in the Mammoth hunter series) book by Jean Aul (i THINK that's her name...???) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow? My husband and I would take the kids and go stay in a cabin in Canada on lake of the woods, and fish.
Dawn M.
on 6/3/03 11:49 am - Ankeny, IA
No kids..yet... infertillity is part of the reason Im thinking about the surgery ... being fat my whole life kind of ruined that dream for me.. Pets.. I have 2 cats but they dont live with me since I cant have pets in my apartment... Craziest thing I have ever done to my hair?... OMG where to start... Ive shaved the lower 1/3 of my hair... so it would be cooler when I worked outside on a horse farm.... it has been many colors ranging from black to purple to green blue and red.....Swimsuit??? Sure if someone doesnt want to look at my body they can turn their heads...Yes I have a strange additude about that.......The last book I read.... Eleven Days by Donald Harstadt ( its based on true story about murders in Iowa I highly reccomend it ) Vacation.. if I could go anywhere... I would start in Oregon visit my sis... go to california and go to DisneyLand in Orange Ctyand Balboa Parkand the original Sea World in San Diego.. then go to Pheonix to visit my best friend... then to Vegas... If only I could hit the lottery... at least I wouldnt have to quit my job... oh the joys of unemployment ... LOL Dawn
on 6/4/03 2:14 am - West Des Moines, IA
How many children do you have and a little about them? Zero. How about pets? I have one evil kitten, but she's cute anyhow. What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? I dont remember, must have blocked it out. When I say swimsuit, you say....? thanks. What is the last book you read? The Loop by Nicholas Evans Where would you vacation, if you could leave tomorrow? Fiji or Cancun, anywhere tropical really.
DeAnne H.
on 6/4/03 2:50 pm - Boone, Ia
How many children do you have and a little about them? My husband and I will be married 20 years in October and we have two boys. Greg is 8 and Grant is 3. Yes naturally but late in life. I would not advise it to anyone. How about pets? Since I lost my poodle of 17 years I have not gotten another one yet!!! What is the craziest thing you have ever done to your hair? When I was 15 a friend and I wanted to lighten it and it turned Allis Chalmers orange. When I say swimsuit, you say....? Maybe some day. What is the last book you read? Left Behind, boy does that make you get on your knees and thank the good Lord for the life he gave you. Where would you vacation...Well here is a story....Six years ago my husband won a vacation to Cancun, we never went . Now he has won a vacation to Disney World ( I have my doubts). I have had my first appointment with Dr. A.C. in Des Moines and looking forward to the whole experience. We are waiting on insurance then we off anfd running. I enjoyed hearing from all of you. DeAnne
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