My Consult details....

Dawn P.
on 5/30/03 4:17 pm - Duncombe, IA
WHOOhooOOOOOO!!!! I had my consult today!!! I have an appt. for xrays on Mon. morning at 8:45am for an upper GI....have to drink that barium crap.. ewww... ~~ Insurance papers will be filed late monday or tuesday... whoOOOOPPIEEE! Office lady has "contacts" at BCBS Alliance Select.. how kewl is that?!!! Hope to get authorization within a week... (wish in one hand... **** in the other and see which gets full first.. hehe) Here is some of the info i found out from my surgeon case it helps someone else with questions. 1. If you have diabetes and are on insuline.. you are SOOO going to get approved by most ins. companies.. (for once my diabetes is a GOOD thing!) 2. If you have had previous abdominal surgery... there is a slight chance that they will get you cut open and find that the scar tissue is binding together the liver and other "parts" and they will close and not do the operation rather than risk damaging the liver or other important parts. (scarey.. huh?... i told my surgeon if that happens... have me on a PROZAC DRIP in my IV when i wake up.. cause im gonna be soooooooooooo upset!) He repeated that is a very slight chace, but is still there. 3. Damage to the spleen... which is less in my case, as i will have to have my revision done as an "OPEN" RNY not a laproscopic. 4. A revision of a VBG is easier than other horizontal surgeries...less complications... 5. A revision takes more "table time" and I will be the only surgery that he does that day, as he wants to make sure everything is PERFECT and follow up with me frequently at first. ---------------- NOW IM DRAWING A BLANK... omg... sorry..if i remember anything later.. ill post again ~~~~HUGSSSS EVERYONE!!!!~~~~~~~~
Michelle H.
on 5/31/03 4:14 pm
Congrats on your consult Dawn! Hope everything moves along as it should. I have had several surgeries- hope mines not one of those that is "wrapped around the liver" cuz I will also go into deep depression! I want them to redo my appendics scar if they can while they are in there cuz it causes my tummy to bulge way out on the left side but if not, they should be able to fix that with the TT. Michelle
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