Pissed Off Again!!!

Tina B.
on 5/30/03 9:58 am - Ia
Forgive my language, but I am so sick of this crap. I did a seminar in Dec. last year, sent my paperwork in within 3 days after that and they have canceled my consultation 5 times now. This last one was suppose to be today and they call me 1 hr. before to cancel and now it is not untill Jun. 27th. What a crock! I told the nurse that I know several people who just now went to a seminar and have had consultations already, in fact 2 of them are scheduled for surgery. I am not stupid, I know it's because I have medicare/medicaid and they don't wanna mess with that until they absolutely have to. I have 3 Drs. behind me on this thing and all I get is a bunch of crap from the surgeon and his staff. Please forgive me for being so nasty, I just needed to vent. whoooooo! Ok, I'm better now. Thanks for letting me ramble.
Michelle H.
on 5/30/03 3:48 pm
Hi Tina- I don't blame you for being upset! Sounds like it's time to check into another surgeon. You don't need to waste your time on someone whose not willing to invest time in YOU. And besides, by the time you DO get to see him your views of him will probably be tainted which wouldn't be a good way to start out on your journey! There are at least 3 good surgeons in Cedar Rapids which isn't too far out of your way. Let me know if you want more info on them! Good luck! Michelle from CR
Dawn P.
on 5/30/03 3:58 pm - Duncombe, IA
Tina, I TOTALLY understand how you feel! I had an appt. with my surgeon yesterday.. and my hubby AND me took off early from work to go... we sit in the waiting room for an HOUR and they tell us we will have to reschedule because Dr. VerSteeg is still in surgery.. ughhh.... but I was a tad luckier than you.. I got in today to see him. I'd definately find another surgeon... this one might "cut corners" in the surgery because of your title 19 too.. and you DONT WANT THAT!!! Sounds like he is byassed.. and it might cross over into his work also. Hope you have luck! I am using Dr. Ver Steeg in Fort Dodge, IA... and another EXCELLENT surgeon is Dr. Coster in Grinnell, IA. Good Luck!!! ~~~Dawn~~~
Tina B.
on 6/2/03 3:18 pm - Ia
Thanks Dawn and Michelle for your reply. I have contacted my pcp to see if she will recommend another surgeon, she said yes but wants to wait to see what this buthead will say. I really get tired of dealing with these Drs. who look at you as a dollar sign instead of a human being with feelings, real true feelings, you tell them till your blue in the face how bad things are and they look at you like yeah, right ,can't be to bad, your alive aren't you is all i get. I'm so damn sick of that phrase. Just feel really beat down and defeated but talking to you all keeps me hoping. Thanks to you all.
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