Just found this message board

Damena K.
on 5/28/03 8:00 am
I knew if I looked long enough I would find a board with people from Iowa on it. My name is Damena and I am married with 3 children. I have my last consult with my Dr on 6/11. Everything has seemed to take so long and now it seems to be right on me. I am scared that I will need more support then I am getting from the Dr's I have seen. I am really happy to have people to talk to. I will look forward to having some friends to talk to that have experience and answers to my questions.
Julie D.
on 5/28/03 8:24 am - Clinton, IA
Please, spend some time reading the older posts to give you a feel for our little group. If you ever have any questions, concerns, major freakouts, worries, joys, etc... share them with us. That is why we are all here!! One thing I would recommend is asking your doctor's office if there is a support group that they can recommend. I started attending support grop meetings a month before surgery, and it is like a 2nd family to me. So very helpful. Good luck on your journey! ~Julie
Michelle H.
on 5/29/03 1:36 am
Welcome Damena! I have been here close to a month and have found this to be much more personal than the general message board. I have my first surgeon consult June 4. I have found the question and answer posting to be the most help in answering some of the more personal questions that you may be reluctant to ask the doctor. And the Before and Afters are so inspiring! Good luck on your journey! We will be with you! Michelle from C.R.
Dawn P.
on 5/29/03 2:58 am - Duncombe, IA
Damena.. what an absolutely georgeous name! Welcome to our little group! I'm sure I speak for us all when I say I'm so very glad you found us! Let me introduce myself, my name is Dawn Phillips and im from Duncombe, Iowa. I am 30 yrs old and I am going to have a revision of a Vertical Banded Gastroplasty that was unsuccessfull - into a RNY. I've been posting for a few weeks now, and I really think this is, as Michelle said, much more personal than the general message boards out there. I can't wait til we all get together someday for a group meeting.. i'd love to meet everyone...put a face with a name. The Q and A section is very very good.. and if you want to cry.. go look at the before and after pictures... i cried tears of joy for each and every person that lost that much weight.. i can only, at this point, imagine how wonderful this journey is going to be. I have my first surgeon's consult this afternoon at 4:30pm. XXX my fingers that I can get approved with ins. quickly. Keep in touch and feel free to email me anytime! ~~~Dawn~~~
DeAnne H.
on 6/4/03 2:09 pm - Boone, Ia
Hi Damena, Like you I am fairly new in my journey to being a looser. My first appointment was with Dr. A.C. on May 29th. I am waiting for the insurance approval. I was glad to hear you say the head shrink was easier than you expected. So far that is my biggest fear. Hello to all of you from Ia. Give me a jingle.....DeAnne
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