Food/Drink/Protein drinks (more)
I have noticed that are more people that are looking into surgery here than those who have actually had surgery, but I think it would be nice to have a post that covers food etc. I went home eating solids, and have never thrown up. I ate a lot of baked potatoes with butter buds, cream of wheat with splenda, canned chicken and tuna, baked chicken, green beans, yogurt and cottage cheese, tomato and chicken noodle soup, saltine crackers, sugar free jello and pastas. Things I did NOT eat- rice (expanded in my pouch and made me feel ill), breads, popcorn, soda, juice, beef, sweets of course, amd eggs for the first 4 weeks. I now can eat just about anything, including the occasional cookie. I still stay away from white bread, rice and beef though. For drinks, I drink a TON of water... my dietician wants Dr. Stoner's patients to be aspartame free, no only foods and drinks made with splenda are recommended- so no powdered crystal light, only bottled. And the only diet cola is RC. I do drink Diet pepsi thought. There is yogurts made with splenda and just about any recipe that calls for sugar can have splenda substituted for it. Like I said in another post, I do not drink protein drinks, but there are some out there that people I know do tolerate. Amino 2222 and Triple Whey are both sold at GNC and the nice thing about that is if you do not like them, you can take it back for a 100% refund. The Amino 2222, when mixed with Crystal Light, is tolerable to some in my support group. My support group also has a recipe book and recipes are emailed once a week. Joanna Lund has cookbooks out that use splenda. Anyway, post ops, please feel free to add to these lists, pre-ops, give me some input, is this info something that you want? Thanks and have a great memorial day tomorrow. ~Julie
Hi Julie,
I really like your messages. You seem to be so knowledgeable about this stuff. Thanks also for your input on the protein shakes. The surgeons office told me try them to get a taste for them but oh man it's tuff. I am just going to have to find a different way to get the protein. I read this message board everyday. It is great. But I won't lie, this surgery thing really scares me. I don't know if it's just the not knowing what will happen, but it's the what ifs I worry about the most, like, what if I can't do the shakes without vomiting each time, I have a very sensitive stomach to begin with so all that stuff scares me. I have vascular and artery disease and terrible joint pain and a whole host of other problems I know this surgery will either help or eliminate, but those darn what ifs really get my brain working overtime. But it's not enough to stop me from getting this done. Congrats. on your weight loss, that's what keeps me motivated. You. Thanks again Julie, you are fabulous.
I hope everyone appreciates you as much as I do Julie. You are always here for us, helping us through our journeys with your kind advice and words of encouragement. You are such a very special person, I only wish that I would have been here when you started your Journey to help support you in your time of need.
As far as the protein drinks are concerned, my surgeon requires that you show proof of buying $250 worth of protein drinks BEFORE he will let you get the surgery! I only hope that I will be able to tolerate the drinks, as most of you have said how nasty they are! I also hope that if i can't tolerate them, that the place i buy them from will let me take them back! I would LOVE to start sharing recipes on this board for foods that RNY patients could eat... i think that would be wonderful! ~~DAWN~~