POST SURGERY diabetes improvements?
O.K... i need some positive information to help me in my journey.... does anyone have or know of someone that had diabetes pre op and now are doing better...or are off medication/insuline altogether?? I've heard that this happens, but I haven't spoken to anyone personally that it has happened to. Thanks! ~~~Dawn~~~
Michelle H.
on 5/25/03 2:45 pm
on 5/25/03 2:45 pm
Dawn- go onto the question and answer area in this website. I think there are some entries about it in there. What I gathered was the less time you have had diabetes, the better your chances of completely getting rid of it were. At the very least there are reports that people have been able to back way off on their insulin/medication. Michelle
There are people in my support group that are type II diabetics that no longer have to take medication because of the healthier lifestyle they now lead. There is also a type I diabetic that was able to cut her insulin intake by more than 50% after surgery. I am at risk for type II diabetes and since surgery I have been told that my risk factors are cut in half now. Hope this helps!! ~Julie