I am very sad today...not to mention i feel terrible health wise. I guess it's my turn for a "down day". I sold my horse last night. Actually i sold him 2 weeks ago, but they came and took him last night. I've had him since he was 4 months old. 9 years now. We decided to sell our horses due to the fact that we haven't been riding them as much as we should. He's still my baby...and i wish i could have kept him. copy and paste this link to see our picture from last night.... Isn't he the most georgeous animal you've ever seen? The lady he is going to has mestatastic (spelling?) breast cancer and could be dying.. so im trying to tell myself im being foolish being upset about losing my horse.. when she could be losing her life. Thank you all for letting me vent. ~~Dawn :*(
Dear Dawn,
I am so sorry to hear of your heart-ache today. I can understand how you feel, our animals often end up being in a sense our children, we love and care for them, invest ourselves emotionally as well as financially and hope that we can get as much time as possible to spend with them, although it is heartbreaking to have to give up or loose our precious companions we know that whatever choices we make for their well being is the best choice we could make. I aplaude you for your courage, by this I mean that it was very courageous of you to put your horses needs and concerns above your own emotions, that tells me you are a true animal lover and a responsible pet owner, you made the right choice, just remind yourself that he is with good people getting the attention and exercise that he needs, and that he is loved. Although you don't have him any more you will always have your precious memories, and those will last a lifetime and can't ever be taken away, take care dawn, and I hope you get to feeling better soon, hugs...hugs...hugs...
Michelle H.
on 5/23/03 3:40 am
on 5/23/03 3:40 am
I feel bad for you Dawn. I am an animal lover too and have had to put two beloved pets to sleep in the past ten years; Taffy my Chihuahua and Heidi my Bischon. Taffy was my protector during my single years. He would growl at my poor choices in dates and chase them out, but immediately cuddled up to the one who became my present husband so he sometimes had better intuition than I did! My Heidi was a sweetheart, always ready to please and never a harsh bark out of her no matter what was happening. So after we had our daughter, we knew when Heidi started growling at her tugs and pulls that she was too old and in too much pain to tolerate a toddler so we had her put to sleep. (she was at least 17 yrs old) I want another one just like her! Now we just have Bootsie, a cat we got from a farm. She is very pretty and knows it. Long-haired white with a tortise-shell tail and ears. And independent as they come! You have your memories of your horse just as I have mine of my pets. If it's any consolation you made a practical decision. I can see where a horse would be expensive to keep.