Changed surgeons again!
Michelle H.
on 5/21/03 6:26 am
on 5/21/03 6:26 am
I was all set for my initial surgical consult tomorrow with Dr. Nielsen who only does the VGB but the more I read about that method the more I think the RNY may be a more permanent and effective method. So I called and switched my referral back to Dr. Keating who does RNY. Dawn from Duncombe, Ia: Even after my reading volumes on both surgeries, you explained the VGB in a way that made the most sense to me. The thought of going through the surgery and still being ravenously hungry terrifies me! Although the alternative(dumping/vomiting) is pretty gross, it might just be gross enough to keep me on the straight and narrow! My PCP has finally received all my medical records so they can start sifting through them to find the weight-related entries. I hope there is enough to qualify- I have done most of my weight loss efforts totally on my own and may have only mentioned it to my doc in passing. Probably not enough for him to mention it in my records. But the secretary says my insurance(John Deere Select) is one of the better insurances about approving it so I will hope for the best. My new appointment is June 4. I see everyone is having a "down" day today. Me too. Can't put my finger on it so it must be PMS!
I am very happy with the results of my RNY, and am almost never hungry. I did not have my doctor record when I dieted either, it was hardly ever mentioned in my records. My surgeon gave me a diet history to fill out, and I listed them all there. No one ever asked me if they were doctor recommended or not, and I had no problems with my insurance paying for it. I have BC/BS. Make sure you keep us updated on your appointment. Oh, and dumping syndrome is gross, that is one of the reasons it worked so well for me
Take care!! ~Julie

Hi Michelle,
I'm so sorry your down in the dumps today, I just wanted to say I hope you get to feelin better and that I am here for you. This whole ordeal seems to be so nerve racking on us all, in many many ways, just goes to show how we all have faith in ourselfs to do better, be better, and make it happy, we carry a certain driven strength deep within that manages to keep pointing us in the right direction. My advise is to keep your faith, and keep on keepin on, look at it like it;s gonna get better and convince yourself of it, believe it will get better and remeber, Tommorrow is a new day, Please know my prayers are with you , and that I am here for you , I hope you get to feelin better soon, hugs......hugs......hugs............. Your Friend,
I'm sooo glad that you changed your mind. I know that some people have had sucessful VBG's but I'd hate to have you go through what I did and have to do it again like I am.
I think the dumping syndrome is going to be the good thing for me too.. it'll MAKE me let go of my bad habits. If i could do it without that ... well... i wouldn't be having surgery..