Hi everyone, feeling a little down today (more)
I don't know why, but I am in the dumps today. We have been so busy with soccer, girl scouts, boy scouts, bowling, family activities, etc that I feel burned out, but now that some of these things are over, I am a bit bummed. Plus, I have a sick parent and her condition is making me very upset, too. I guess I needs hugs today and to know it's OK to feel sorry for yourself once in a while. Hopefully everyone has a great day today. ~Julie
It is DEFINATELY ok to feel sorry for yourself once in a while. Look at it this way... you can't gorge yourself on twinkies and hoho's and gain 10 lbs. now.. when your feeling sorry for yourself! Thats a definate high point!
If i were you, id get out my old "before" pictures and think about how lucky i am to be the "skinny me" I am now! Or better yet... GO SHOPPING!!!!! Buying all those normal size clothes.. (heck BUYING ANYTHING!) will make you feel better!
Dang it.. all the jokes i know are dirty.. so i can't type them here.. or i might offend someone.. HA! Sooooo ill just have to ask around and post a good joke later today
. Cheer up and feel better! ~~~Dawn

Hi Julie,
I just wanted to say I am here for ya, we all have our days, the ups and downs and all arounds, the good news, Tommorrow is another Day!!!! Keep your chin up and hold tight to your faith, you are most likely just overloaded with stress, don't forget to take out some time for "just you" and try to keep a positive outlook, hope you feel better soon, hugs... hugs..........hugs......
Your friend, Criss