NO LOVE, Feelin down today
Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to stop in and let everyone knoe I had test run a week ago to check for blood clots, doc called this am with good news, no clots, yea. I talked to the surgeons office on friday, they said we should hear from ins by end of the week, however, I find that I am crying for no reason, feeling lonely alot and feeling so sorry for myself because I hate the way I look, It's getting warmer out now and I dont have many summer clothes, ususually stick with my same old two pair of jeans, but I feel like no matter what I wear or what I do, I still look hideous, Sorry if I am bringing you all down, I just needed to get this negativity off me for a few, any suggestions? Thanks for being there friends, hugs and prayers..
I remember going through the same thing you are going through on a daily basis. I still go through it, even though I weigh 176, I still see a 300+ person in the mirror. I think that you should get something done to yourself in anticipation of your surgery- I got my hair cut and highlighted in the months before I had my RNY. Get your nails done, buy a new shirt (sure, you will only be able to wear it for a few more months, but then you can keep it for your after pictures) or get a makeover. Your Iowa Support friends all are here for you, so please do not feel alone! We have all been there, some of us still are there. Take care of yourself, I am very happy to hear about your lack of clots. And I will keep you in my prayers tonight. ~Julie
Think of the wonderful journey you are about to partake in! And the fact that you dont have the bloot clots is FABULOUS news! I have my consult with the surgeon next week, and there is a chance that he wont be able to convert my Vertical Banded Gastroplasty to a gastric bypass, and im sooo scared.. be glad that you know you can have this wonderful surgery!!! Im still in the dark.. but hopefully will be seeing the light next week!
I can understand where your depression is coming from.. im trying very hard not to get myself down thinking about "what if"s. My main concern is getting my sights set on a skinnier me and then not being able to have the surgery. That is scary... but just remember you have all us Iowanians to help you and I myself would LOVE to have an email buddy or 2 or 20 to help me through this! Just email me anytime...I'd even love to have phone calls for anyone needing to talk! Just email me and I'll send you my phone #.

Michelle H.
on 5/20/03 4:42 am
on 5/20/03 4:42 am
I too am at that point. Face it, what kind of clothes can you find in a size 30/32? But here's how I'm handling it. For many years it has been a waste of my time to browse the "normal size" clothes racks. But lately I have started paying attention to them and the sales ads. I have gotten so used to paying big bucks for big clothes that I am amazed at how cheap you can buy some of the more casual outfits! For example- you can get a pair of jean shorts and a tank top at KMart for under $20! Go to Lane Bryant and you'll be paying close to $40! I am not focused on the "me" I am now because now I know I am undertaking a process that gives me a significant edge to lose weight and keep it off. It is not just another fad diet plan that I will give my all to only to gain it all back in less than a year. That's why looking at the "normal size" ads is so exciting to me. Hang in there! I think we have a great group going here and we can give each other support!
Julie, Dawn, & Michelle,
Thanks so much for all of your kindness and well wishes, I can't tell you how wonderful it has been just knowing that I am not alone. I am not so depressed today but so anxious to hear about the pre-auth for surgery, it is just about to drive me nuts not knowing, surgeons office said should here somethin by the end of the week, that was last friday, here it is wednesday and I want to call again!!!! Any-hoot, Thanks so much for your prayers and well wishes and please know that my prayers are out there for you all as well, Hugs to you all,