Roll Call for the Iowa Message Board- please post here
Well, this is my first time posting, I am trying really hard to get this surgery done. I have a consulation on May 28th after a 5 month wait. I pray it works out. I live in Waterloo. If anyone would like to talk and give me the heads up on maybe what to expect, I would really appreciate it. Oh yeah, I am trying for the laprascopic(spelling) from Dr. Glas**** in Cedar, Falls. Thanks for letting me ramble on. Have a great day to all.
Susan L.
on 5/12/03 4:52 pm
on 5/12/03 4:52 pm
Hey there. I like this thread. I will start out by saying I live in Dubuque Iowa. My surgery is scheduled for this Friday morning wtih Dr. Stoner. I am really glad to see you post Julie.. seeing as we both have the same surgeon. I did go to Cedar FAlls and talked with Dr. Glasgow. I just felt better wtih Dr. Stoner. Davenport is somewhat closer to Dubuque anyway. Julie, I really LOVE the idea of scrapebooking.. I have considered doing it.. just dont know exactly where to get started. Anyway.. wishme luck this Friday... and post any words of advise.. please! I am starting to worry a bit about recovery time.
Michelle H.
on 5/16/03 3:06 pm
on 5/16/03 3:06 pm
Hi Julie! I'm Michelle from Cedar Rapids weighing in at 54 BMI. I have my PCP referral, have had my mandatory "nutrition meeting" and am meeting with my surgeon to find out what additional hoops I will have to jump through on May 22. I have elected to have VGB. The nutritional issues of RNY scare me. I don't anticipate much problem with my ins. I have John Deere through the hospital where I work and they seem to be pretty liberal about coverage. My comorbidties include; sleep apnea, family hx of diabetes, family hx of heart disease, hypothroidism, stasis, and depression. I just turned 46 yrs old. (May 13) I have three children, ages 28, 25, and 6 along with two grandaughters ages 6 and 8. I hope to be "on the other side' by August!
Hi.My name is Becky and I live in Eldora. I have a surgery date of Aug. 5th with Dr. Glas**** in Cedar Falls. I am married and a mother of 2. I long to be able to participate in activities instead of jus****ching! I enjoy working on the computer and gardening. Just wish I had more stamina. I am sure that will come in time
It is great to see other Iowans on this site! Take Care all and good luck with each of your journeys!

I'm Diane from Estherville. I'm scheduled for a RNY on Tuesday the 20th in Sioux Falls, (closer to home then sites I found in Iowa). I started the process for surgery in March and had insurance approval by end of March. Original surgery date was in April, but I had it changed as one of my sons graduated from HS this weekend, and I didn't want to not be up to or able to get ready for all that entails. Won't know until after surgery if I get a lap or open procedure. I'm short and surgeon is concerned that I may be too short to easily do the lap. He's going to attempt it, but may switch to open. Who knows, maybe I'll end up with both sets of incisions!!! Since making the decision to have surgery, I have lost 20 lbs, and am "down" to a BMI of 55. Such a long way to go........