I cant believe it....IM APPROVED!!!!!!
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
PS..I added you to my myspace friends list.

1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's
Michele- the two books the one lady passed around at the support group meeting the other night...the blue one "Before * After" I already had and read, but I ordered the other one "The real skinny on weight loss surgery" it looks interesting.
Then I also got a book by Dr. Garth Davis, he is the Dr who does the show on TLC "Big Medicine" (well its re-runs now) but anyhow, I LOVE that show, and when i saw that he had a book out I had to get it!! Its pretty good in the fact that it goes over the pro's and con's of all the different types of WLS out there, and he gives his opinion on what he believes works the best. Lets just say, im glad Ive decided on RNY and not LapBand...but that is for my situation, im not knocking LapBand for anyone who does it! Then there is another one called "Weight Loss Surgery" and the author claims to have the top rated book for people who are considering or have had the surgery?! SO i thought i would check it out!
Alrighty well enough rambling for me, Thanks again for all the support!
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's

Thanks for the information and lets keep on hanging in there. We'll hear from Debi very soon!
Michele--Ive seen that book online and i think at Barnes and Nobles...it looks good too...that may just be my next purchase as far as books go!
I got my actual approval in the mail today!! Its officially official!! LOL! I cant wait! I got some gift cards/certificates for christmas that I have decided to wait to use until I drop a size or two or three!! It will be sooo fun to go shopping for new clothes!!
Michele, are you using any kind of protien shakes/supplements? I ordered some from bariatriceating.com its just a sample package and it has tons of samples of all kinds of protein...but i wasnt really sure what Amy has said about this or if the hospital recommends them after surgery. What are your thoughts on this?
1st Goal: Get to ONEderland Accomplished 3/28/09
2nd Goal: 175lbs Accomplished 5/29/09
3rd Goal: Lose 100 lbs Acomplished 7/13/09
4th Goal: 150lbs Accomplished 8/22/09
5th Goal: Lose 100 lbs SINCE surgery
6th Goal: 130 lbs
7th Goal: to wear a size 8 pants/jeans Accomplished 9/4/09
Final Goal: to weigh in the 120's

I'd be interested in hearing about the protein shakes too. Also, will they tell me where to get my vitamin supplements because right now I just get my vitamins, etc at Walgreens.
I am still patiently waiting..................okay, maybe not so patiently waiting. I'm waiting to hear about my date.
Keep posting............I need you guys!