Does anyone in Iowa do the Duodenal Switch?
Well look at you, just a hop away from me here in Davenport! I was actually in Wilton yesterday (driving through of course lol).
Some would definitely disagree with me.. but my first thought after coming home from my RNY was "boy am I glad my surgeon is near"... I couldn't imagine having surgery out of town or south of the border! It was a huge comfort having Teresa and Kathy readily available if I needed them.
I go back and forth with the DS. Somedays I wished I researched it more, other days I'm glad I'm not "one of them" LOL if you know what I mean..... If you read the main board its been nothing but a RNY vs DS battle and those people can be just plain ugly hearted. Anyways.. the thing that attracted me to the DS was the ability to eat more "normal". However....I really don't think it is the best fit for me. I'm doing great with my RNY so far, and I'm glad I chose it! I am 58 lbs. down and 3 months out. I have severe reflux and haven't had it since! I was also able to go off of my blood pressure meds and I have normal blood pressure!!!
If you have any questions let me know.... I'm sticking by my RNY


I am from Iowa (Grinnell) and was wanting surgery with Dr. Coster - unfortunately, he doesn't do the DS, and that's the surgery I knew I wanted. I ended up going to Ohio and had my DS with Dr. Brian Lane of Bowling Green (I was a self-payer, my insurance wouldn't cover me). He had a good,straightforward payment plan and I was able to swing the initial cost he requested.
It is important to note, however, that if you go out of state, Dr. Lane requires you to remain in Bowling Green for two or more weeks - he wants to make sure that if you develop complications, you can get to him right away. I think any surgeon worth his salt will require this of you.
Another close option for the DS is Gary Anthone in Omaha.
Good luck!
Duodenal Switch - Dr. Brian Lane (formerly of Wood County Hospital in Bowling Green, OH) - January 2007
Cosmetic Reconstruction - Dr. Francisco Sauceda (Monterrey, MX) - September 2010