New Around Here
I am in my home stretch to my pypass. I had my consult Jan 11, with Dr. Schauer at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. I weighed 213.5 and I am 5' 1" with a BMI of 40 and a co-morbidity of diabetes and sleep apnea. I am just a hop skip and a jump away from my surgery date. I just had my consult with the neurologist to go over my sleep study results and I am now waiting on the dictated paper work of that appointment with that I can overnight mail all the required paper work to Dr. Schauer's office, after looking over to make sure all my ducks are indeed in a row they should be calling me for a surgery date. I am scared, nervous, and excited.
I go back to Genesis in Davenport Sunday night for my CPAP sleep study, fun fun.
I look forward to getting to know you all and hear your stories.