Just had surgery.
I went in on Nov 7th and had my surgery. I was scared to death but many people said lots of prayers for me and so far no problems. I am having troubles with the water, I just feel so bloated after every sip. The doctor just let me out today because of the water issue but I am trying. She wants me to go back on Monday to make sure I don't need fluids by IV's.
But overall, I do need to count my blessings so far it has been a picture perfert surgery with no complications. Thank you everyone for your support!
Congratulations on the surgery! Just keeping plugging along on the water. I had my surgery just one week before you on the 31st of October, and I know how hard it is to get tha****er down. I am finally up to my 64 oz a day but it has not been an easy task. I'm feeling great and hoping to get my G-tube out this Wednesday when I see my doc. At my dietary appt this past Thurs, they took out my JP drain and told me I have lost 15 pounds already! Just keep on thinking about the weight loss and getting your drain out and that might help motivate you to drink, drink, drink! Good luck and keep us all posted on your progress.
I had problems with water at first too. What helped me the most was to try different temps. Cold water bothered me, but warm water was OK. If it is ok with your Dr. try a little lemon juice in it. (also a mild diuretic too so be aware of that) Gives it a bit of flavor, but not much. Just like a teaspoon or tablespoon in a bottle. that was another thing. I had to find the right thing to drink out of that I wasn't getting a lot of air in with. For me, a bottle worked best (I used a plastic Diet Dr. Pepper bottle that I had in my recycling and washed it out good.) I had a terrible time with a glass or cup. I would guess the bloating is from the air and you should feel better if you are able to burp afterwards. I also learned to take a drink into my mouth, then let the air out before swallowing. Takes a while to learn, but is so much more comfortable.
Keep up the good work, it will get easier each day.