3 days post op
Hey everyone! I am now 3 days post op....had surgery on Oct 31st and came home yesterday on Nov 2nd. So far I am doing okay.....still have a fair amount of pain but am trying to avoid the pain meds as they make me nauseated. How long before I will be feeling like I can move around a little more without such pain in the side? I am struggling to get the water down, but I guess that will just come in time the next few days. Well, back to bed for me.......thanks for all the support! Melissa
Everyday gets better. When I was laying down and in bed I always kep****er by the bed and when I would wake up I would take a drink...middle of the night and everything. It is an easy way to help with getting more water in as well. I never had any pains in my side, so I would not know about that, just pain in the front where the jp tube was.
Thanks for the update.
Keep us posted on how things are going.
Take "water shots". Measure out the amount of ice water you need to have in a day and just every few minutes, pour some into a little 2 T. medicine cup and suck it right down. Your pouch can handle two T. at a time, and if you just focus on doing that all day, you will get all your water down. Dehydration is a very real problem at this stage of the game and you don't want to go there. I had to go in twice for IV bags in the few weeks I was post op, even though I worked constantly on getting the water in.