Glad to be home
Well my surgery was on Monday as you most know! It went well and all was good. I went to a regular room that night as I do not need a bypap or cypap machine (thank goodness). Dr Cahalan came in and told me my surgery was picture perfect nothing unsual came up. I was hoping to come home on Wed but my White blood Counts were high, Tues they were 19, Wed 13 and Thurs Normal at 11. So that is why the delay for me coming home. I am actually glad that I stayed on Wed as I was having a rough day but got better as the night came. The morphine made me nauseaed and I had a nurse telling me that I was taking to many ice chips at a time and I told her I had not had any ice chips in 2 hours how could that be...she cooled her jets after that one.
The ride home and to the pharmacy was rough but made it home and glad to be here. I feel a little overwhelmed with all that I missed out with the boys but I will get back in the swing of things soon.
Thought that I would post and I will post when I can. I hope to be at the next support meeting and hoping to meet more of you on there.
Thanks for the well wishes.