Well today was my UGI...
and OH MY GOD it was horrible. I didnt get Barium I got this Gastro stuff...it was terrible I totally wanted to puke. Good news...no leaks!!! Bad news...I have to wait til tomorrow to get my tube out (I'm assuming). It hurts sooo bad. I dont know if its pulling around the skin or what but I cant bend down now or do anything because it hurts so much. I went to my sons doctor today and I just cried cuz it hurt. They had to help me get him in the room and then carried him to the car for me. I've been putting ice packs on it constantly..but no relief. GOD...i hope tomorrow hurries up!!!!!
Has anyone had the chance to call Deanne or hear from her? I feel awful that I havent been up there, but I feel absolutely miserable....
You'll feel so much better once that tube comes out. Having that thing in was miserable for me and getting rid of it was the turning point in the whole recovery process. And I sure do remember my leak test. I also had the gastrograffin. I had to hold the glass in one hand and a puke pan in the other hand. I managed to keep it down but it was hard. They also didn't tell me that it would have a severe laxative effect. I didn't even get out of the hospital before it hit me.
Well they didnt remove the tube
( They said that since I'm still having so much drainage that they want to keep it in. Once my drainage is minimal than I call call Susan up and she will remove it. I"m soooo upset
DARN IT. I guess though..in the long run...its a good thing
P.s. Otherwise Susan says I'm good and the incision looks good. Most likely the problem with the pain is jut the drain hitting nerves inside of me. I SAY! Also, from my Pre Op class I'm down 22 lbs! I go from the first Diet/Nutrition class which was 303 though.
I'm at 277 according to their scale
Good job on the weight loss first!!! Sorry you are having so much pain from the tube. Only a little while longer now and it will be out soon! Then look out.. you will be non-stop! hehe When I was weighted in at the hospital I weighted 259 and when I weighted myself yesterday (at hospital) I was 254 I know it is not much but at least something. I am sure the tube hurts as that is the only spot on me that hurts like Hell. I want it out badly but have to wait.
Take care!!