Wanting to go home
Well here it is day 5 almost 6 after surgery..I didn't get to have lap ,so they had to open me up..I am so very sore and stiff,I still can't walk straight up..I was in ICU for 4 days.3 of them,cuz my blood preasure kept droping...I had the 2 best Nurses in the world.Beth and Bob..They were so incredible to me.And I want to go back and see them,and exchange emails and keep in touch with them both...I have yet to be able to go home..Which I am getting more upset about everyday.Being that I don't live within an 50 miles of DesMoines.So we (my hubby and I)are stuck at a hotel,for a week..We are hoping that after thursday,they will give the ok to head home..We can't afford to stay here past that..I started passing gas the day before I was discharged.When the surgeon looked at everything,and the reports on how well I was doing.He said that he couldn't see any more of a reason for me to stay ,and so on Thursday afternoon.I finally got discharged and sent to the hotel..I can not lay flat at all.cuz when I do,it pulls and I feel like someone is stabbing me,or trying to pull my insides out..I thought having a hysterectomy was bad..But it was NOTHING compared to this..I cried when I seen the incision and how long it was,and all the staples and everything,holding me together..I can't stand to look in the mirror.I start to cry when I do...I know its only going to get better everyday..But at this moment,my emotions are running wild..I am glad everyhone elses surgeries went good and that you are alll at home..Good Luck to You ALL.... Taphney
Hi Taphney, I am so sorry to hear how difficult it has been for you. It sounds like it has been a week you would like to forget. The good news is that you ARE doing better and you will be able to get home soon. Try to keep focused on the positive things....make little goals for yourself and celebrate each of them. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! Jill
I am very sorry you had to have the open and I'm sorry I didnt say hi to you up in the ICU. I was pretty out of it on Tuesday and then wed by noon they had me out of there. You just hang in there okay!! Trust me..it will get better you just have to go through hell to get to heaven!! Yestereday sucked big time for me! I had alot of drainage and the pain was awful! But today was so much better! I was able to sit up in a chair and watch a movie with my kids tonight and I didnt have any pain. It just takes time and there is a very good chance that tomorrow maybe down hill again.
I was told the first 3 months are hell no matter what you have done. Just hang in there!! A year from now you'll be like..I'm SO GLAD I DID IT!!!
I have a real aversion to men nurses, but that guy Bob in ICU at Mercy Capitol was the BEST in the world. He took care of me in there my first night there and I felt completely safe, and the few shreds of modesty I still had were completely intact. He was so great to me.
Hope you go home soon. Hang in there hon.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU to ALL of You...Your support is whats keeping me going..Today wasn't as bad..We(hubby and I)did get out and go shoping..But not for long.I was exhausted by time,we got back to the hotel..Tomorrow is my swallow test..Then I was told that IF,if comes back good..That the Dr.will release me,and allow us to drive the the hour drive home..I am praying everything looks good....I am doing everything they have asked of me and told me to do..So I pray everything is lookin good..I am so glad that everyone is doing so well..I know in time,we will ALL be Thankful that we chose to live a happier,healthier lifestyle...Hugss to you ALL...Thank You so Much for your support...Taphney...