Well, I'm sorry I haven't been on lately. Just been quite down. No job and sleeping all day.
But that is all going to change Monday morning. I start a job in Des Moines at EDS, and I am also moving to Des Moines during the week.
I am also planning on walking 2 miles for the Obesity Walk on the 30th in Waukee.
I have been having a few problems. I came down with a bladder infection 2 weeks ago, started medication, thought went a way a week later, this week, I thought I had my period, I had blood clots passing. I can't have my periods anymore, (had hysterectomy 2 years ago), and so went to doctor, they said, yup, another bladder infection, but got a call a day later after the lab results came back, stating I had to go in for xrays. I asked what for, they think I have Kidney Stones. I can't keep water down, but I'm trying to drink it COLD, lukewarm, or room temperature. I know I gotta drink more water. The pain is so bad, but have not heard what the results are on the xrays, (taken Thursday) wouldn't u think they would have called me by now if it was Kidney Stones?
Oh, I got a boyfriend and he has asked me to marry him, I'm not sure, I'm going to have to go through a lot of counseling. I'm still having a lot of thoughts about my weight, and still trying to get the rape that happened 10 years ago out of my mind. So, I'm not sure. But I told him that I would like to have a summer wedding only beause of the nice weather, but whenever it is, I want to make sure I'm ready.
Well, need to get some sleep.
Talk to u all later