swallow test today
Oh, I remember that leak test. Nasty. Dr. Sundberg has it done the day after surgery before you are allowed any thing to drink. Thought I would toss it right back up. It wasn't barium, but some other nasty tasting stuff. It was just a swallow but boy, did it ever go right thru me! What you experienced wasn't dumping, at least not our definition of it!
You will not feel full while on liquids and may not even on pureed or soft. I finally felt full when I started eating meat. My G tube hurt also. But I had an infection around it so I'm not sure I can answer that. Don't worry about not getting all your liquids in yet. You are still pretty early out. Be sure to count ALL your liquids, even SF popsicles toward your total. Just keep sipping. It gets easier. I couldn't figure out how to get everything in either. Let's see, sip, sip, sip, but not 30 mins before or 1 hr after eating. That didn't leave enough hours in the day to do it! It does get better. Now, I can chug 8 oz in a minute or so. Just do the best you can.

Thank you guys for keeping me sane! I tell you, this is a whole new experience, and ti changes everyday. I keep telling my mom I don't think they did anything to my stomach cuz of the way I feel, which is pretty good, with the exception of the g-tube site. But the fact that I can take big drinks and it doesn't seem to feel any different then before. Well a few days ago I could tell I was swallowing too much, but its like that test today did wonders. And the fact that I don't seem to feel full. I am wanting real food so bad, but I know its still a ways away. But I have sat and actually thought about eggs for breakfast, beans and cottage cheese for lunch and beans and eggs for dinner. I know its my brain. But I really want some different taste and texture in my mouth. Does anyone know can you chew gum a week ou?
I second what Jean said about a possible infection around the G tube. I had a lot of pain around it and then developed a fever of 102. No signs of infection the first day of the fever (2 1/5 wks post op). Called the on call surgeon but didn't have any other symptoms. The next day, after I showered, I was cleaning around the G tube and a bunch of green ***** stuff came out. Pretty much freaked me out. Off to ER we went. Had an ultrasound to see if it was an abscess but nothing showed. Since it wasn't my surgeon, he sent me home with antibiotics and instructions to call first thing in the morning (Monday). They had me come back to the hospital for a CT to rule out a leak and an infection inside the belly. That was not fun. Had to drink the contrast media that tasted nasty, in a short time frame, when I had a fever of 102 and felt like a truck had hit me and drug me all the way to Boone from Des Moines. The CT was negative so they decided it was just a local infection right at the opening. Out it came. I wouldn't have cared if they had shot me at that point I felt so awful. Moral of the story, if you are having a lot of pain from the G tube, go have it looked at just to be sure there isn't something evil brewing there. It's really hard for WLS patients to keep hydrated when sick. Especially with a fever. Even at 2 yrs out. I got dehydrated after my panniculectomy and had to go back in for fluids. And I was drinking like crazy.
And NO - do not chew gum. It would not be good if you accidently swollowed it. My doc doesn't have very many rules, but that's a biggie for him. No gum. Ever.
I always say that the swallow test is the worst part.
Throw the whole process I would say ok that wasn't to bad, like walking the first time or getting the tubes out. The worst thing was drinking that stuff. The stuff I had to drink wasn't barium it was some other clear stuff. But it was so bad. As soon as we got out of there I mad my husband go over to Q-T and buy me a propel to drink. I guess you can be glad that in my opinion the worst part of the whole process is over. I don't know about the gum. What I got after surgery was the sugar-free mints. I like the ice breakers sour ones. They also help with the bad test that you get in your mouth. Good job on the weight loss
and keep up the good work.

Keep an eye on that pain from the G-tube site. If it is severe, it could be a sign of infection there. Read my profile and you will know what I mean. You really should not have intense pain from these sites, and if you do, it could be an infection. If it keeps up, call the weight reduction center, go in and let Susan take a look at it.
I had my appointment with the nurse today, she looked at all my tubes and said they were all fine, she really checked my g-tube since I told her how uncomfortable I was. She said it looked good to remember it is an open wound. I guess I am just being a big baby because I want it out so bad, but since I am not able to get my water in, they showed me how to give myself water through the tube. Much better than an IV.