OH Dixie how I have missed you GF! WOW alot going with you. First off let me say that Iam glad your sister is doing better, and how I admire your love and commitment for her, she is one lucky gal! It doesn't sound like she is by any means out of the woods...but just knowing or hearing about the support she has must mean alot to her! As for your job and school gf, well that's just being a "woman" persay, no patience....whats the say, "good things come to those who wait" well believe it, cus I do believe in you and I do believe that when the time comes for you to go back to school that you will do great....I only wish that you were closer cus good nurses are hard to come by these days lol! Oh to have a hot and wild relationship with my hubby hmmmmmmmmm wish I was in my 20's or 30's again lol. Seriously Im with you my hubby and I have a very comfortable relationship also...most of all we understand each other and each others needs. I've been very hard on my hubby the last 2 yrs. sometimes I wonder why he has stood by me through it all....but ya know what I thank god each and everyday that he has, can't imagine my life without him!
I bet its nice having the kids and of course grandbabys close to you! I bet they enjoy it just as much as you do.
Ya know when I first heard about this surgery I thought honestly this is crazy why in the heck? Well after researching it more, and after losing my mom from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes...obesity, I knew I needed to do something. So when I chose the surgeon I did, no. 1 he knew all about my mom and her health history plus he was the most conveniant. I also thought his heart was really into this surgery and in many ways I still think it was....but maybe more as a trophy than anything else, cus there never ever was a program persay! Well anyway 3 months after having wls I had to have emergentcy hernia surgery non related....which I had told him months before my wls surgery that I had a hernia but he didn't believe me until I had my wls surgery and he saw it for himself and told me that I would be ok for the time being, well that last 3mos. and it blew. A yr after my wls. I had my gallbladder removed, a wk later had surgery again cus the drain tubes blocked, than a wk later the drain tubes blocked again and had a cist removed on my ovary, a month later I was severly depressed and tried to kill myself....knowing what I know today and trust me gf with alot of mistakes and issues in between there is only one way out and that is facing it all and moving on and that is exactly what Iam trying to do! My only regret is of course what I have put my family through, but thank god I have the family I do, whom stood beside me through it all....ok so enough said there, I have realized that alot of my support came from this board of great ppl, so Iam back and ready and willing to give my support as well!!!
Keep in touch,
Hi Janet ~~ it's great to see you back. I lurk alot, but don't post much anymore. I'm in the group struggling with weight gain. I made my goal ~~ actually got below it (my goal was 150 and I hit 135), however because of my bad eating habits and a couple of meds I took I'm back up to 172. UUGGGHHH. I'm working at getting back down because I'm absoluting hating where I'm at now. I feel like I've never lost an ounce. We need to all stick together here!!!! I'm in contact with Dixie fairly regularly and we try to motivate each other.... I had a lot of nasty issues that put me below goal and I don't want them back to lose weight ~~~~ so I'm back to working out at least 5 X a week and had BMR (basil metabolic rate) testing done ~~ which was quite interesting. I found out that if I get out of bed and do nothing more than go to work every day my body required 1700 calories to maintian my current weight. I'm hoping that by tracking my exercise & watching what I eat I can drop at least 30 lbs...... Hang in there.... and glad to see you back!!!
Hey Janet,
Ok i must suck i am still losing after 3 yrs...they are telling me I need to gain wait...I dont have a computer at home right now...lost my job in june since i was in the hospital for the flu. I got a different job loved they close the doors so that stinks so i am looking for work again....Still single which stinks....looking at houses to rent in carroll... if you get tire of cleaning your house heck come on down and you can clean all you want at my house lol just joking come down and we can chat and catch up....i will try to get on here when i am working for my mom....... I guess i should tell you how much i have lost depending on which weight you go with the before surgery and complications 159 lbs or after all my complications it is 210 lbs i have lost......Lynda