Update on my surgery date..
Okay so I broke down and called Melanie to see about progress on a date. She said that she has to have my sleep study reviewed by Dr. Flegal(sp?) and he on vacation til Monday. So she has it on his desk for review on Monday. Then she said it goes to the Manager to have a date picked for me. I asked for September/early October because after that my job gets really busy and I would like to be here for it (boss would appreciate it as well). She said she would make a note of it for me. She also said that there is a waiting list for September.. Oh well, I KNOW its going to happen so I will just be patient.
She gave me an idea of what I can start to do now to get a little more comfortalbe after the surgery. Drink my water (HOW DO I MEASURE THAT!! I currently fill my 19 oz mug with ice and then fill it up and drink 3-4 of these a day, but with the ice..how do I know how much I am getting??), take small bites of food and chew to almost a paste like texture. She also said to get my vitamins and proteins. She suggested getting the Isopure off of ebay as it is the cheapest route to go. She also stated Dr. Smolik is very adament about losing 10 lbs from the date I was weighed. OUCH..that might hurt me. I'm already 5 lbs above weight and to lose 10 more (15)..I CAN DO IT! I KNOW I CAN!! I have plenty of time!
Well I went for a 25 min walk at lunch and bought a small salad (with lots of pickles and a low fat muffin) for my lunch. I might have to go for a walk tonight too (if its not too hot or rainy).
Well there you go..thats my update for now..J
You reminded me of something else when you said she told you to practice chewing. It sounds silly, but it is such a good idea. I remember thinking that, if I could practice chewing everything 100 times and see what that was like and hopefully get into the habit before surgery. So yeah, that is something i did pre-op, was to practice chewing.
Here's another thing.....every time I went out to eat, I would practice what I would need to order after surgery. Because, I had no intentions of NEVER eating out again. Like I remember going to Red Lobster, and when I looked over the menu, i made mental notes of what would be appropriate post op. Like the baked fish and salad. NO bread, no potatoes, and all that junk. Then when we went to a steak house, I made a mental note of what kind of things on the menu would be OK for after surgery. I decided that a shrimp ****tail might work (off the appetizer menu) and a salad or a side order of grilled vegetables.
So, just mentally thinking about what kinds of things would be OK choices helped me a lot. Rather than dwelling on how I could not have this, or that post op. Look for all the things you WILL be able to have someday.
And for whatever it is worth, Janine......today, when i go out to eat, I am completely happy and satisfied with a nice salad and a nice piece of grilled meat. I am not obsessed over all the crap I can't have anymore. Because you know what? Physically I CAN eat that crap now. But I just do not want it. The choice is mine. In the beginning, the choice is taken away, because of the surgery. But the further out you are, the more in control you become, even though the choice is back. You will like how you look and how you feel and food loses it's appeal and addiction. IT'S GREAT!! You will love it. And your tummy never growls again. Your itnestines bypass the part where the hunger hormones are secreted. YES!
Stop the low fat muffins. Just because they are low fat doesn't mean they are low cal. And if SodexHo is your cafeteria provider like ours (Marsh), nothing they fix is low calorie or healthy. Ugh. Everything is high calorie, high carb, high sodium, high fat. If you want to lose wt, try South Beach. It's a pretty decent plan and you don't really feel deprived. Pack your own food so you won't be tempted by all the bad stuff. Focus on protein. Protein keeps you feeling full longer than veggies or fruit. Carbs make you crave more carbs and you never feel full. Think how hungry you get after eating Chinese.
As for the water, put in your ice then use a coffee cup to add your water. That way you have a rough idea of how much water is in your cup. Or use bottled water. WDM water is so nasty I don't know how anyone can drink it. Yuck. I have a 34 oz Bubba Keg. I fill it with ice and water in the morning and drink till all the ice is melted and gone. I also usually have a 16 oz bottle of Crystal Lite, 8 oz of water first thing in the morning and an 8 oz shake during the day. That's my 64 oz and I'm usually above that.
Get serious about changing the way you eat right now. It will be easier if you make the change now than after surgery.
Yes we have SodexHo is our cafeteria provider! Now you have me scared! I decided to take your word. I am starting today with the proteins. For breakfast I had 2 boiled eggs and a small banana. Lunch I will have a grilled chicken and some salad (light dressing). Supper we are having hamburgers so I guess I will go without the bun. I CAN DO THIS, I CAN DO THIS (did you notice I keep saying that!!)
As for the water..thanks I dont know why I didnt think of that. I fill my cup with ice and then a 12 oz cup fits in it (almost). So I guess I will get 12 oz + (once the ice melts). Sipping is HARD! Esp when I am thirsty!
Thank you for the ideas (and everyone elses!)
Sounds like that same story I was told Janine. Keep on them to get the results of your sleep study. They kept telling me they were waiting on the sleep study info from Fleugal when I knew it had been faxed. One call to Susan out of desperation and she got what she needed and had a surgery date in about 10 minutes. Be persistant! I too am fighting the weight loss thing, but I have waited until the last minute to try to do anytihng about it. Good luck and let us now when you gte your date!