Formal Announcement!
Since I haven't technically announced this yet, I'll come clean! We're going to have another baby in January.
I hadn't wanted to say anything, because I hadn't met with Dr G yet - and, well, I wasn't supposed to get pregnant! It was the absolute last thing from my mind! I was physically sick with the idea of having to tell them - just because I know the rules and I'm so freakin' compliant... then I go a break a cardinal rule.
Anyway, all is fine, I'm 9 months out and at goal - and more importantly, follow the rules, so we don't expect any problems.
Everyone asks if I'm happy... I think I will be, when the shock finally wears off, but it seems like that will be taking awhile!
Thankfully, we had always planned on having 4 children, but I had started backing out of that idea. Mainly because I didn't want the age gap that we would have had (if we wouldn't have screwed up!) - plus, I'm 150 lbs! I didn't want to get pregnant!!!!
The kids are thrilled though and it's certainly not the end of the world. I'm just still amazed every single day that I'm pregnant. Again.
Since quite a few of you have mentioned it, I'm actually not concerned at all about the weight gain! I gained a LOT of weight with my first, but it was mostly fluid - I was in my jeans by the end of the week after she was born. Less than 10 lbs to lose (I wasn't overweight at that point really).
I was overweight with the second two, and like I said in my original post, I'm super compliant!
I gained 15 lbs with #2 and 9 lbs with #3 (and he was 10+ lbs!!!!). So overall, I'm not worried about baby weight... my weight issues stem from a really messed up thyroid that likes to fluctuate a lot AFTER the baby is born - usually 3-4 months post partum. That's the part I'm not looking forward to! It does mean that we know it's an issue though, and they're already monitoring it every 4 wks. Lovely. You know you have too many blood draws when your kids start pretend play, calling the Dr and scheduling one!!!
Another thing, my OB also has had several moms that have had surgery with Dr G, so she's somewhat familiar with him and the program. That was nice to hear. Her comment about the weight was, "You'll gain some, but probably not much."
I'm just hoping to NOT have another 10 lb one!