2 yr checkup
I finally had my 2 yr checkup. Only a month and a half late. Saw Dr. Sundberg in Grinnell for the first time. The nurse kinda irritated me. She takes me back, and says, Wow, you look great! As compared to who? She'd never seen me before. Then I weigh. She says You've gained 3 pounds since we last weighed you. Gee, I didn't think this office has ever weighed me. Then, while looking at my lab work, tells me my PTH is elevated and I need to take more Vit D. I had just about had it with her but I nicely told her I have a diagnosed PTH problem and when I took the Vit D3, my PTH actually increased. She shut up then. Jeez. Seems as tho she could have at least asked me some of my history before making blanket comments.
Anyway, when Dr. Sundberg came in, I was reading a booklet about gastric bypass surgery. I told him I thought I needed that to lose my 3 pounds. He just sort of shook his head knowing I am the one who named her seroma Fred.
We talked about the elevated PTH and I wanted to know how high it has to be to start worrying. It's gone up 40 points in 4 years. He said I didn't need to worry at this time. Then I asked about how to combat the hypoglycemia I'm having. He raised his eyebrows and went Hummm. He said he didn't want me to worry (me with the diagnosed anxiety disorder per my pyshc eval) but there are metobolic diseases that can cause elevated PTH and hypoglycemia. So I'm supposed to have my friend, who is diabetic, test me next time I have one to see how low it is. I think my food of choice for this experiment will be M & M's. If I'm gonna feel crappy, I'm gonna enjoy getting that way!!!!
He asked me what happened that I gained 3 pounds. I told him vacation happened and that I've lost 3 already since I really gained 6! Then he said maybe this is the wt my body wants to be at. I emphatically told him this body DOES NOT want to be this wt. It really wants to be 5 pounds less at least.
So all in all, a good check up. All my other labs were great, except that danged PTH.
Sounds like a good check-up. Your so funny! I have an idea....I will bring my meter and we can go to the Rocky mountain candy shop (forgets that actual name) chow down on some nummy chocolate and test ya.....I am all about helping out a friend.....LOL....I always need an excuse to have candy Have fun this weekend. How has your eating been going? Talk to you later jesi