insurance questions...
I am running into a problem with insurance. I am in need for insurance major medical for myself.I just had the military insurance and my husband is back on duty but they will not provide insurance for his 6 weeks of training. So I need insurance and everyone is telling me since I had the bypass they will not cover me. They would rather have me 100 pounds overweight agghhh!!!! Anyways if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. I could get a plan where they pay per day and directly to me but it seems worthless.
Thank you
Hey Angel...... late as usual.....have you found any help yet? I personally haven't gone thru it myself, but I too heard it is almost impossible to find coverage for 5 years post-op as your considered a BIG risk. It is risky but can you get by for 6 weeks without? It is insane how insurance companys would rather have us 100lbs or more overweight with co-morbs than insure us healthy......I hope you had some luck. Drop me a line sometime. I ran into Nancy at Hyvee and she was wondering how you were doing too? Give us an update! Take Care jesi
Hi Jesi,
I am doing great thank you for asking. I lost 113 pounds! It has been 7 months already! I feel great and look better. I want to lose another 20. It has been slow the last few weeks but last month I lost 10 pounds. This month so far only 1 pound.
I think I am going to spend 35$ with BCBS for accidental-illness insurance it will not cover anything to do with my bypass. I will have to wing it till hubby gets back home. How are you doing?? Are you happy with your platic surgery? I have been thinking about it but I am SCARED!
Talk to you soon
Awesome....your doing great! Do you still go to the Y a lot? Our membership ran out, and since the youngest isn't going to preschool there anymore we didn't renew. But if your going over there in the morning....stop by here afterwards....your always welcome and I would LOVE to see ya!~just give me a days notice or something. Hope to see you soon~Take Care jesi