Is it warm enough yet????
It's hot here today too. I broke my "do no turn the air on before 6/1 rule" yesterday. I always try not to turn the air on until 6/1 and the furnace on until 11/1. Didn't work out that way this year! i did absolutely nothing the whole weekend. It was kinda nice to sleep in late every day and lounge around all weekend.
I too had to turn the air on......and I am so cheap so it really pissed me off
I would love to sleep in and lay around for a whole weekend.....but just ain't gonna happen anytime soon. This weekend will be all about cleaning as my Mother-in-law will be here Tuesday for 8 days
Take Care and keep cool

Jeez, it was freezing when we left for Florida and now it's an inferno! At least today, it's cooler. It was nastier here than in Florida! There it's been really dry with no humidity.
Had a great vacation and really didn't want to come back. Gained 4 pounds! ARGH! But I had fun doing it! So back to reality today and the platuea busters diet. No carbs for me.
And I still look good in my swimsuit!
Got back Sunday afternoon and unpacked. Yesterday picked up the dog from her vacation resort/spa and started doing laundry. Did 6 loads plus all my ironing. Notice I said MY ironing? My hubby does his own. He came trained.
Went to the greenhouse and got my tomatoes and bedding plants and got them planted. Picked up our new grill and we put it together. I was pooped last night! Had to come to work to rest! Tonight I have to catch up the towels.
We saw the latest weather satellite blast off into outer space. Pretty cool. We were 10-12 miles away but the condo shook when the sound finally got there. It probably took 30-45 seconds for the sound to get to us. Spend some time on the beach and at the pool. Otherwise just vegged.
Hope everyone is well and not eating too many of those nasty carbs. Ummm, potato salad, baked beans, hot dogs.

Geez Lady....when you come home from vacation your supposed to relax!!!!!! Hell I got tired just by reading all the stuff you did!!! I am glad you enjoyed your vacation. I need one badly!!! How is everything else in life going? I am sure you will be able to get those 4lbs off and the other 4
I know summer is my best bet to lose....I am actually drinking more (water) and exercising if I just stay away from the damn CARBS
I hope all is well.....Missed ya! Take Care

OMG! Hot here in CC. It has been awhile since I have been onboard here. How is everyone? I am great. We spend Saturday at a horse sale and the rest of the weekend finishing up our new barn. Hubby and I are crazy! NEVER a dull moment around here. We had to get busy on a new barn, as we are up to 43 mini's (10 babies - awww), and will need the room this winter. So, no better time then the present, huh. That was a really hard job. It was hot and windy (humid) so it was alot of fun trying to keep ahold of the sheets of tin, but we did it. Everything is done now except for tin on the roof. Next weekend we should finish. Yee Hawwwwwwww! Then on to the next project. Like I said... never a dull moment. For some strange reason, the heat is really not bothering me at all this summer. Could be the almost 100 pounds I've lost!!!!!! YEAHHHHH... Take care everyone. Enjoy the coming week, and lets hope for less humidity and more sunshine. Love ya Terri