Is it warm enough yet????
Holy Moly it is hot! Today looks like it is gonna be really hot again. I want to do something family oriented, but it is so hot out there. (I hate heat by the way)
Thursday night thru Sat we put in a sidewalk in the back of the house.....that was a pain, glad it is over! The girls have enjoyed their long weekend.....I just feel guilty about not doing anything fun. Did anyone do anything fun over the holiday weekend? How did you survive the heat? Got your air on? I hope this summer is NOT gonna be HOT HOT HOT!! I would take the girls to the pool today, but I got a new tattoo and I can't soak in the water yet and I am surely not gonna sit on the concrete and roast! Hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend. Here's to a good week too
Take Care

A new tat -- what'd you get? And where? Inquiring minds want to know. I've never wanted one myself but I do admire them on other people. My s/o is talking about getting one on his shoulder, which I think will be really sexy!
Yep it's hot over here too -- just got done doing about 3 hrs worth of mowing. All push -- figured I could use the exercise. I thought about going to the pool, but sent my son off and decided to enjoy the peace and quiet of the house for a while. I'm not really supposed to be mowing yet because of my p/s, but it's been 2 weeks and I figured I'd stop if something didn't feel right!! The heat really didn't bother me - as a matter of fact I didn't even sweat much - but I drank about a gallon of s/f koolaid.
Speaing of p/s I can't wait until I can go completely w/o my bra. I love the feel!! I'm finally not wearing it at night - but it's still 3 mos in a sports bra... Uggh. I want to just run around in those cute little strappy tank tops w/o a bra!! Okay I'm an exhibitionist!!
Helped my friend paint on Sat & Sun and then went to my niece's graduation ceremony yesterday. Boy do they grow up fast!! Well that was my weekend -- hope everyone has a good week!

I got the tattoo on my lower back.....I think they call them "tramp stamps"
I got a butterfly with tribal markings on both sides, and I love it! I still haven't been able to put new pics up tho (of my boobs or the tattoo) cause we got a new digital camera and it doesn't fit on our old docking station(I broke the old camera
)......without the docking station to just plug it in and push the button I have NO CLUE how to download the pics
But my hubby will be back Fri/Sat from Canada and I will make him figure it all out
I cannot believe you were out rock! I am glad to hear all is well with the was way easy I told ya
I am sure you'll be wearing your cutesie tanks soon
Take Care

Oh, a butt hat.. ha ha I don't think I could get into the pain for that!! The girls are really sore and somewhat swollen again since my mowing escapade. I talked with the nurser yesterday about something else and she was like "didn't we tell you at least 4 weeks -- you're sore aren't you??" But she was laughing at me. She knew I would pu**** The girls are fine as long as I don't touch them.... But they are really achy.. Am anxious to see your pics (we sound like a bunch of pervs). I've already shown mine off to quite a few people (girls)... not guys!!! My b/f is crazy about othem tho!! I am too. I'm surprised in what a difference it has made in how I feel about myself....
Take care

Hot here in Tripoli too. I've been staying in the house most of today. Turned the AC on finally last night & it feels so good. My poor guys are out baling hay! Ick and the hay always gets dry on the hottest days.
I've spent the last few hours printing out loads of pictures for a scrapbook I'm making for my husband's family reunion in a couple weeks. Gonna work on that tonight.
I got another reminder this week that I am getting old. I discovered that I can retire from my job! By doing that, after I lose my job, I will continue to get my health insurance at the rate I've been paying instead of having to go on COBRA in a few months. It's really kind of a good deal for me. Hey, the company will even buy me a retirement gift & give me a going away coffee.
Well, gotta get busy with the scrapbook. Try to stay cool.
Before anyone thinks I am slamming someone on this board, the Sherry I referred to is a part of our surgeon's staff & she overheard Janie & I discussing eating cake at my son's wedding reception. She gave us a real dressing down. She told us that we should never eat cake, or any desserts, for that matter. We both decided that was a bit unrealistic.