just started the process...
I went to the first informational meeting this week and have filled out my forms to get started with my journey with WLS. I'm very excited about the decision I have made, I feel that I have put it off too long. I feel very confident in my decision to have this surgery, but in the back of my mind I have the 'what if' nagging me. Does anyone else feel this way? The big 'what if' is death...I have a very handsome 10 year old son, and I'm his only parent...I hope I'm making the right decision for his sake as well.
would like to hear from other people on how they felt pre op...
I think we all had that "what if" fear at one point or another. The way I handled it? Well, I knew there was a very small possibly that I'd die from the surgery procedure but there was almost a 100% chance that I'd die without it, if not right away, then eventually. Since you have a 10 year old son, you are considerably younger than I am but your weight still is life threatening. I was, & still am convinced that I only had about 5 years until I was in a wheel chair or dead.
Last week, out of curiosity, I filled out a questioner that according to your answers tells you what your "real" age is. This was my result- "You say you're 55 . . . your RealAge is 52.8!" I wonder what it would have been 2 ½ years ago.
If anyone would like to try it for themselves, you can do it at RealAge.com
Hi! I think we all let that thought lurk at the back of our minds when we first start this. My feeling was like Dixie's. I knew I would be dead or close to it if I didn't do something. I am 6 months out tomorrow and I wish I would have done it sooner. I did not realize how bad my health really was before the surgery. I knew it was not good but I just did not understand how unhealthy I really was. I had a few rough spots but I would do it over again in a minute. My doctor wanted me to do it 2 years ago but I was too afraid. Everyone has to decide for themselves if and when it is time to take action. Think positive and I wish you and your son the best.
yes it does seem a bit scarey I will be three weeks out this thursday and I am glad that I was able to to have the surgery because now I am getting healthier by the day I knew I was going to be wheel chair bound if I didnt have the surgery I could not even walk a block the weight was killing me (painfully)and if I said I wasnt scared I would be lying but I know if the stakes are too high the Dr's wont allow you the surgery but you are young so that is one thing you have going for you you need to take your time and research the Dr you want for the surgery and feel comfortable with your decision and comfortable with the Dr who you will be having do your surgery and no matter what if you decide to have the surgery dont get discourge and remeber that this surgery is only part of the tools you need and thet this surgery is a life time commitent because you have to work hard to keep the weight off I hope this helps