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Now, if they'd just do the same to Maui Memorial I'd REALLY be excited!
Hi Malia,
Dr. Cirangle did my surgery and my reasons are very similiar to Makena's reasons for choosing Dr. Cirangle. Once I had done all my research I felt most comfortable with Dr. C's experience and his aftercare program. Even though it meant leaving Hawaii and going to San Fran for surgery I felt very strongly that Dr. C was the best choice for me. His staff was wonderful and helped me get all of my insurance requirements squared away and also helped me get all my pre-op testing done through my PCP here.
I have HMSA too and they did not required a supervised diet of me. My BMI was 50.4 and I was considered super morbidly obese. HMSA approved me for surgery fairly quickly and didn't make me jump through any hoops, thank goodness.
I have only heard good things about Dr. Fowler and his team.
So it comes down to what the best choice is for you. For me the best choice was Dr. C and my whole experience with him and his staff has been positive and life changing.
Good luck to you.
My insurance wouldn't cover surgery outside HI. I really wanted Dr. C and I also really wanted to have the VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy). Please read my profile where I have a Surgeon's Testimonial... that way I don't have to re-type it here!

I wish I could have had my surgery done here in HI, but there wasn't a Center of Excellence that Dr. C would operate in. He comes to Maui every other month, so I still get to have follow-up exams with him. He is accessible via phone and email and has PROMPTLY returned all correspondence I have had with him. I also have a PCP who worked with Dr. C and me in getting tests done here that WERE covered by my insurance (and so were my prescriptions!) Go figure!
He (Dr. C) is probably the most experienced Lap VGS surgeon in the country. I am the worst when it comes to going to doctors, so for me to make an effort to search out a doctor that I was comfortable with wasn't easy and lead me to Dr. C. I even had to find a PCP here on Maui to help me from this end because I didn't have one! I had been healthy (except for being morbidly obese), but I knew I was headed for trouble quickly.... especially at my age. My BMI was about what yours is and my weight loss is also comparable to what you are trying to accomplish.
Since I never had surgery, I wanted what I felt was the best which is why I left "my rock" and was willing to fly to San Francisco. My husband was my strongest supporter for me to stay with Dr. C and go to San Francisco once he evaluated everything. My hubby attended the seminar and consultation with me as well and didn't want me going to anyone other than Dr. C after we did a ton of research.
We were fortunately able to swing it financially (well, except that I won't be getting a new car for a few years.... not even a used/new car!) since I was a self-pay. I was amazed at the difference in costs of a self-pay vs. using insurance. If I had used my insurance, on the Mainland, it would have cost me SO much more, actually.... go figure. No wonder premiums are so high! Of course, if I could have had it done here in HI, it would have been perfect... but that wasn't going to happen. I really wanted to be in a Center of Excellence in case I had complications. Here on Maui, that just isn't available. Not on Oahu, either. That was one very important issue for me. As I said in my profile, if Dr. C isn't comfortable here, neither am I.
I know some of my friends here on OH are with Dr. Fowler and I have heard only wonderful things about him. I don't know if he performs the VSG though, so again, that would have been a deal-breaker for me.
I guess it boils down to the facts that 1.) I knew WHO I wanted and 2.) WHAT I wanted and was not willing to compromise. 3.) I did not want an intestinal by-pass/mal-absorption procedure. 4.) I also did not want a foreign object in me that needed maintenance. I did a lot of research (and so did hubby) and those were our conclusions and choices.
Bottom line... you have to decide what your comfort zone is for these issues and more.
I can only relate my experience with Dr. C and to me, he is top notch, professional, and VERY experienced. I highly recommend him. When it came to my health, my husband and I wanted the best and we felt he was/is.
Edited: Oops! Wanted to add that Dr. C also has a terrific staff. And, included in my surgical package is two years of follow-up and access to his nutritionist and psychologist.
I hope this helps. Malama pono & a hui hou kakou!
I had surgery with Dr. Fowler and it was fantastic. I hear that Dr. C. is a great doctor. Actually he was my first choice. Here are some reasons that I didn't go.
1. The surgeon fee is $4500 and that is not covered by your insurance. That is what comes out of pocket. Dr. Fowlers surgeon fee is $600.
2. Flying to San Francisco to have surgery. Dr. C books the flight and room. This is part of your $4500 surgeon fee. As for Dr. Fowler it is right her in Kailua. I can see him in 10 minutes from my home. If there was an emergency I am right there.
3. I really love the idea of going the exercise classes and seeing my nut whenever I want to.
Like I said Dr. C is a great doctor but finacially I just couldn't afford him.
5'4": Surgery 240/Current 135/Goal 140 = 105 lbs lost!!! BMI 22.5 I'm Normal
6 Years Later highest 198 / Current 176 / Goal 140
Hit Goal on 5/14/09 8 months out!
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