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Topic: RE: NewComer!
Aloha and welcome!
Congratulations on your approval! Dr. C is a great sugeon, you'll be in safe and experienced hands! Keep us updated on your progress!
Congratulations on your approval! Dr. C is a great sugeon, you'll be in safe and experienced hands! Keep us updated on your progress!
Topic: RE: NewComer!
E komo mai! It's a rather quiet board here, but a loving one. Congratulations on your approval and your sister's as well. You will love Dr. C.... have total confidence in those skilled hands and the extreme knowledge he possesses.
Let us know when you have a date.
Malama pono & hui hou!
Let us know when you have a date.
Malama pono & hui hou!
Topic: NewComer!
Aloha everyone my name is Jona Villon and i'm new here. I just got approved for the RNY procedure and is so excited. My Big Sister was also approved for the same we are planning to be surgery buddies! Hopefully everything will work out for the both of us! Thanks Puns!!! I just figured out how to add a advatar, but it would be nice to know the ropes. I'd liked to share this life journey with you all! Thank you and Happy Mother's Day!
Topic: RE: 3rd times a Charm!!!!
congrats..we needed more ppl to join us here on the Hawaii boards! good luck
Topic: RE: 3rd times a Charm!!!!
Thank you ladies for the warm welcome!!!!
~Be patient in doing good, for at the proper time, you will reap a harvest if you DO NOT GIVE UP!~ Galatians 6:9

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Topic: RE: 3rd times a Charm!!!!
5'4": Surgery 240/Current 135/Goal 140 = 105 lbs lost!!! BMI 22.5 I'm Normal
6 Years Later highest 198 / Current 176 / Goal 140
Hit Goal on 5/14/09 8 months out!
Join us on the Lightweights Board!
Topic: RE: 3rd times a Charm!!!!
Welcome to the Hawaii board and congratulations on your approval! Dr. Cirangle is an awesome surgeon. You're in good hands :)
Topic: 3rd times a Charm!!!!
Well 1 year, 2 denials and 3 procedures later.....I've been approved to have the RNY with Dr. Cirangle. The even better part is that my little sister's been approved also and we may even be surgery buddies!!! My DH and I have been ttc (trying to conceive) for 3 years without any success. So if I don't get prego this month, I'm scheduling surgery for July!!! I'm so glad to see that there's life on the Hawaii Board and I hope to make some connections with all of you!!!
~Be patient in doing good, for at the proper time, you will reap a harvest if you DO NOT GIVE UP!~ Galatians 6:9

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