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Topic: RE: Nov 4 - OH will be in HI
We're trying to get 20 people together to get the cheapest price, lets see...we're about 15 people short! LOL So if you and your group wants to hook up with a bunch of us who wants to go, email me through the OH site. Alot of people are saying they want to go, but haven't committed yet. I also have a flyer that Kema forwarded to me that I can forward to you.
Topic: RE: Nov 4 - OH will be in HI
Thanks for the heads up on the Islands - Cant wait to meet everyone.
Glad you found the price.
Topic: RE: Nov 4 - OH will be in HI
Hi Monica. I would like to know the price for the tickets.
Also, I noticed on your side piece that you give info "About the Area" Just thought you might want to know you are describing Hawaii, The Big Island, not Oahu. Completely different.
Topic: Salad days are here!!
Aloha my friends. I have been faithfully reading posts the past couple weeks without saying much, but now that I've landed on the doorsteps of 8 weeks post surgery, I need to put in my two cents. My surgeon and nutritionist now say I can eat I'm stoked about that.
Yesterday I had a tossed salad with feta cheese, nuts, dried cranberries and olive oil dressing. ( a bag). It was delicious and I was so thrilled to be able to tolerate tossed salad. I had maybe a cup and a half, and had no problem from "Gracie." I've named my pouch "Gracie" because she's very sweet and agreeable and so far has not put up a fuss over anything I've given her to eat or drink. I have been gentle with her, but I have given her things like protein bars, chicken, shrimp and now salad without a wimper. I do make a practice of chewing a lot before swallowing...I'm sure that helps.
I love the entries that tell what people have eaten during the day. It helps guide me into what I can and cannot eat. From now on I will just have to always remember to "do protein first, then veggies, and then starch (if still hungry..and I can't image being hungry after protein and veggies)."
I wish my weight loss were a little faster...that worries me, especially when I hear some of the totals from some of you. But, I think I will just have to be patient, and try and keep on eating right and the pounds will go.
Aloha and thanks to all of your for your input and friendship.
Topic: Nov 4 - OH will be in HI
Hi everyone -
November 4 we are having a Regional Conference in Hawaii - For more information on the speakers and location go to:
We have many great speakers to educate and motivate you. I hope you will come to visit with old friends and to make some new one. Come and celebrate your weight loss with friends and family.
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Topic: RE: How was your weekend?
Good luck on the house and the new car. I am hoping that we can save enough for a down payment one of these days.
Mine went great - I cleaned out the size 24s from my closet - as my post stated. That was a big step for me because I know that I will not go there again and will never need them. (I did alter a few of them, but I wore a pair today and they were too big still)
We also drove to the north shore hoping for some sunshine, but no luck, mostly cloudy. Oh well. Next weekend.
Topic: RE: How was your weekend?
Thank you!
Definately a long road ahead for me to get to the weight I hope to be at. But it's been a great ride so far and can't wait to see the end result.
You have a great week too!

Topic: RE: How was your weekend?
Hi Kiliki!! I just saw your new pic and you are looking "awesome"!!!! Congratulations
on your success!!!!
Keep up the great work and have a wonderful week!!! God Bless!!!
Hugs and aloha, Pat

Topic: RE: How was your weekend?
Hope you get that dream house!!
My weekend was fun...the Scrap Jam on Saturday was a blast and you need to come to the next one in March. New location though will email details (if anybody else is interested, email me for info).
Sunday I was in Kailua town and actually bought a top from Macy's. I can't believe I actually fit something in that store! lol Whoo hoo!