Things to Love About Hawaii (these days)

on 4/30/06 9:44 am - Ewa Beach, HI
Ok I am interested in hearing from others some things to love about Hawaii AFTER Gatric Bypass Surgery. I dunno if I am falling into a drepression or what but I don't want to leave my house. I cannot enjoy the local food, its loaded with carbs, sugars and fats or just does not sit in the pouch comfortably. Cannot enjoy the beaches because they are polluted at this time, cannot enjoy the hiking because of small children, cannot enjoy the shopping because it is too expensive, cannot enjoy going for a drive because not only is gas prices so high it is slowly driving us into poverty (oh wait, im already there) but also, traffic is a NIGHTMARE!!!! I there anything left? I was gonna go to the pool yesterday. It was sunny when I left the house....enroute while sitting in the lovely friggen traffic it starts raining so I stop at the mall and the crowds made me break into a sweat and I almost fainted! I couldn't take it. I wanted to scream! To top things off I had my son with me. When things like this happen everytime I leave the house it doesn't help me with motivation. I swear I don't know what the heck is going on with me lately. I need a pick me up. Steffie
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