Get Together at Zoo on Feb. 19 Sunday

on 2/9/06 7:22 am - Kaneohe, HI
Everybody is talking about a get together, but so far we haven't had one. I am thinking about the Honolulu Zoo on the Sunday before President's day, which I believe is Feb. 19. Since I work here I would feel better about coming to work on my day off knowing I had the next day off. So if you would like to attend, this is what I can offer. I think that 1:00 is a good time and I can let everyone in (for free) at one of the back gates. The gate at the mauka end of the parking lot is just fine. I can also bring chairs. I was thinking we could set up a little circle by the playground and the young kids could play there. Any older kids or spouses can roam the zoo. We would all bring our own drinks and healthy snacks for ourselves and to share. Normal eating adults and kids bring their own food. I would NOT recommend the snack bar at the zoo; the food is lousy and very expensive. I get a 20% discount, but it's really bad! I would need to know the number of people planning to attend. I would run it by my boss just for the hell of it, but it is definitely not a problem. So think about it and let me know. If you have any questions you can call me at work during the day at 971-7199. aloha, Paula
on 2/9/06 9:16 am - Kaneohe, Hi
Heya girl!! Put us down for 4!!! It'll be fun!!!
on 2/9/06 1:44 pm - Charlotte, NC
That sounds like fun. I have a wedding to go to that day. I will probably go to the next event. I hope you guys have a wonderful time!!!
on 2/13/06 3:21 am - Kaneohe, HI
Hi Everyone, So far there are only 4 of us for Sunday. Going through the e-mails I got: Dee Burgett, Jill Palmer, & Kema Corless. Would love to have more people so let me know if you want to come. My phone number at work is 971-7199. I'm here until 5:30 Thursday & Friday, 4:30 on Monday & Wednesday, and I may take tomorrow Tuesday off (my birthday). I can bring chairs, we don't need a tent or anything else. I thought Dee's idea of pictures was good. Sorry Kris can't make it, but have a great time in Las Vegas, and Good Luck to Stephanie on her surgery in California. Paula
on 2/13/06 4:51 am - Honolulu, HI
I wish my family and I could attend, BUT, we will be leaving for California on Friday Feb 17th, for my surgery!!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful time!!
on 2/28/06 8:51 am - Kaneohe, Hi
I hope your surgery went well!! Hugs DEE
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