Surgery Support, PLEASE!
Good morning everyone !
A very special hello to my fellow PA LOSERS!
I just spoke with Jill's husband and she went into her PS surgery as planned. She will be under for about seven (7) hours. Her husband, parents and kids are nearby awaiting her recovery.
Please join me in sending Jillie our concern and support as she brings her WLS journey full circle!
I will check in with Jill's DH and post an update later this afternoon!

Hi my name is Dee ..I live on Oahu and had surgery on the mainland...and I can not attend any of the support group meetings here.....but as luck would have it....I have a new job and there is another person there that had the surgery as well....her and I started an online support group at to all WLS patients in the Hawaiian Islands regardless of Dr., insurance, newbies or post ops...or just looking into the surgery.
We would also like to hold GT(Get Togethers) from time and live support meetings starting at least once a month and then maybe going to 2 times a month with outings (like dinners, bowling, movies, beach)
here is the website to join
Dr. Juarez