YIKES!! I hope the scale keeps moving!

Lisa C.
on 9/24/09 9:23 am - Honolulu, HI

I am at a plateu (not sure if I spelled that correctly), and I'm hoping that I'm not eating too much and that my weight loss has stopped.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with losing the 61 pounds that I have lost in the past 5 1/2 months.  October 8th makes it 6 months post op.  According to the charts for my bone size and height, I should weigh between 120 - 141.  I'm still 29 pounds over weight at 169.  The abdomin and thighs are the last to go.  I have no butt, I still have some boobs but not much.  It's been hard trying to figure out what size bra to buy.  I think I will need a tummy tuck and boob lift when this is all over!  LOL  I hope I'm still on track and that the scale will start moving again.  Should I be worried that I'm eating too much or is this normal? 

Lisa C
on 9/24/09 3:06 pm - HI
Aloha Lisa!
You're totally normal!  Plateau's happen to everyone. Especially the farther out you get.  My suggestion, get back to basics.  Protein first, low carbs, measure your foods, no snacking and journal everything you eat.  It also helped me to cook everything I ate.  That way I knew exactly how many calories, carbs & protein everything had.  Try if for a couple weeks.  I'm sure the scale will move.
I wouldn't sweat it unless the scale hasn't moved for at least a month.  There are so many factors that can contribute to no loss. (monthy cycle, water, constipation, etc, etc, etc)
Be more conscious of what goes in your mouth and I'm sure the scale will move again!!

Best of Luck!!

Highest/Surgery Day/Current/Goal
315 300 /  159.8/ 160

on 9/27/09 7:05 pm - Kihei, HI
Yeah yeah, exactly what Viki said! Just showing support! heheh
Sometimes losing is really winning
I feel like Alice.... I'm in Onderland! 7-18-08

Lisa C.
on 9/28/09 3:38 am - Honolulu, HI
Thanks, I started going back to the basics right after I posted that message and guess what I lost 2 pounds!!!  It's moving again but yes, I needed to stop snacking and eating better.  Thanks for the support!
Lisa C
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