Sleep Apnea Test and Update
Hi Everyone!
I met with Dr. Cirangle today and he believes we can get a date in January.
The only thing I'm waiting for again is HMSA to kick into effect in January then I also need to get my final blood work and I just noticed I have to get a sleep apnea test done. 
Since I've had Kaiser forever, can anyone direct me in the right direction on how or who I need to call to get the sleep test done? I'm assuming I don't need to go through a PCP since Dr. Cirangle alrady wrote an order for it??? Also, how much does it cost? Does HMSA cover it? Did you all have to wait a long time to get an appointment? Sorry so much questions I'm just very anxious. Any information is definately appreciated!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!
I met with Dr. Cirangle today and he believes we can get a date in January.

Since I've had Kaiser forever, can anyone direct me in the right direction on how or who I need to call to get the sleep test done? I'm assuming I don't need to go through a PCP since Dr. Cirangle alrady wrote an order for it??? Also, how much does it cost? Does HMSA cover it? Did you all have to wait a long time to get an appointment? Sorry so much questions I'm just very anxious. Any information is definately appreciated!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!
I have Kaiser also -- they were very helpful in covering all my tests, so I only had to do the co-pay.
I went to my PCP and told her what I was doing, and gave her the scrips that Dr. Cirangle gave me. She entered all of them and I started to get scheduled for the tests. It was pretty fast -- the longest was the stress test -- they called me within a week. The only problem I had was that I had to follow up with my PCP to get my test results faxed to Dr. C. She was really good about it and took care of it right away when I emailed her.
I don't know how it would work if you are changing plans in January. Good luck with your tests! Let me know if you have any more questions.
I leave tomorrow morning for San Francisco -- Surgery on Tuesday -- wish me luck!
I went to my PCP and told her what I was doing, and gave her the scrips that Dr. Cirangle gave me. She entered all of them and I started to get scheduled for the tests. It was pretty fast -- the longest was the stress test -- they called me within a week. The only problem I had was that I had to follow up with my PCP to get my test results faxed to Dr. C. She was really good about it and took care of it right away when I emailed her.
I don't know how it would work if you are changing plans in January. Good luck with your tests! Let me know if you have any more questions.
I leave tomorrow morning for San Francisco -- Surgery on Tuesday -- wish me luck!
Thanks Keala,
My doctor at Kaiser has been really good about getting my EKG and Upper GI tests ordered for me. The only thing with the Sleep test is they need it to be done within 2 weeks of surgery so It'll be in January and I have no clue on how to get that done with HMSA.
I'm so excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
My doctor at Kaiser has been really good about getting my EKG and Upper GI tests ordered for me. The only thing with the Sleep test is they need it to be done within 2 weeks of surgery so It'll be in January and I have no clue on how to get that done with HMSA.
I'm so excited for you!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!