Hi everyone...I'm back home!
Pheewww...that was an experience I don't want to soon go through again...lol. I'm just glad to be home...everyone at the hosiptal was so super nice, but getting up every two hours for blood pressure and oxygen sat wasn't really my idea of fun.
It's so hard to eat though...I can only take one tiny little sip befor I feel tight and then I feel tight for an hour. There's no way I can keep up with my protein and liquids if I can only handle that much liquid
Thanks so much for everyones words of support...it really ment a lot to me. It's nice to be home and to be able to get back on OH.
Talk to you all soon.

Hi Denise. I had HMSA-HMO. Mine was covered, but I had to have a BMI of 40+ or co-morbidies. Are you sure yours does not state with co-morbidies with a BMI of 35. I would check with your surgeon. I know that Dr. Cirangle's office has had great experience with HMSA and getting approvals. I would give LAPsf a call and see if they can check on it for you. They handle all the paper work.