How are we all doing?
Aloha my WLS friends....I saw this great survery on another site, and thought I'd put it out here to see how we are all doing. I am a very slow loser, so I have a feeling you will ALL be doing better than me in the weight loss department, but here we go:
1. Surgery date: July 26, 2006
2. Lbs. lost: 37 (wi**** were more)
3. Main source of protein: Shakes, PureProtien bars, chicken, shrimp, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and 1% milk.
4. How much water are you getting in?: Approx. 85 oz. a day
5. Are you keeping up with your vitamins/calcium, etc.: Yes, doing good here
6. What vitamins are you taking? 4 Flintstone chewables a day, magnesium citrate (for constipation), B12 sublinqual (1 a week), UpCal in shakes and gallstone meds twice a day.
7. Any hair loss? Not so far.
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? I'm going to the pool three times a week to walk/jog/exercise for an hour.
Thanks for completing these questions with your own success story. We are each a "book" and I want to read yours!!
Aloha nui loa,
1. Surgery date: April 17, 2006
2. Lbs. lost: 110
3. Main source of protein: Shakes, lean cuisine meals, chicken, steak
4. How much liquids are you getting in?: Approx. 64 oz. a day
5. Are you keeping up with your vitamins/calcium, etc.: Yes
6. What vitamins are you taking? 2 chewable multi-vitamins, 1 B-12, 2 calcium citrates daily
7. Any hair loss? Yes and it's starting to be noticeable
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? Walking when possible, hard to exercise with 2 jobs.

Hi Karen! Congratulations on joining the "losing side".
I just read your recent post, and thought that I would share some friendly info with you.
Please don't take this as criticism, I'm just sharing with you. I noticed that you mentioned that you are eating the PureProtein bars. I am very familiar with this bar because my 25 year old son eats these bars. He consumes their high protein content, but also for their high carb content. He works out at 24 Hr. Fitness gym for 2-3 hours
using all of their equipment (weights, cardio, treadmill, etc.). Because of this vigorous training he needs to replace his body with certain nutrients that are completely comprimised with his intense training.
I just thought I'd mention that these bars contain 300 calories each, 26 grams of
carbs, and 80 calories are from fat. I have also thought of eating these bars because actually they look pretty delicious but I realized that for someone that has had WLS, it contains too many calories, carbs and fat. Actually, if you check the labels on protein bars, they all contain about the same amount of calories, carbs and fat. So I have
chosen not to use them because I felt that I would just be doing myself an injustice.
My doctor recommends no more than 40 grams of carbs per day, and I actually try to stay under 25 grams.
You might want to try a low carb protein shake like Isopure. It contains 52 grams of protein and hardly any carbs.
Hope this helps!! Like I mentioned the info is just being offered from someone
who had WLS in January 10, 2005.
Take care and have a wonderful week!
Hugs and aloha, Pat

Aloha Pat.......I just read your post, and I think you must be describing another protein bar. I just went and got one from my supply and these are Pure Protein Bars (that's the name). They have 20 grams of protein, 1 gram of carbs, and 170 calories. My nutritionist says they are an excellent on-the-go protein supplement. I would NOT eat a protein bar with 300 calories or 26 grams of carbs.
I also drink the Isopure drinks...and love them. Luckily I can drink the protein shakes as well and don't dislike the taste...especially the Walker Diet Cappucino! Yum!
Thanks for the heads did make me go look again at my bars!!
Aloha nui loa,
1. Surgery date: August 10, 2006
2. Lbs. lost: 52
3. Main source of protein: Various meats, eggs, cheese, Nectar protein (2 a day), and sometimes a stallone protein.
4. How much water are you getting in?: 50oz - I know, I need more
5. Are you keeping up with your vitamins/calcium, etc.: Yes
6. What vitamins are you taking? 1 mulit-vitamin, calcium - through tums
7. Any hair loss? Not too much, yet
8. What kind of exercise are you doing? Shopping, shopping and more shopping. I also just got an eliptical and I can just barely do 15 minutes - but I am getting better.
Overall, I think I am doing great - I feel great and I am shrinking (which I love)
Aloha karen and friends........I've been working quite a bit ( 40-60 hours a week) and never took the time to get my picture set upyte..Anyway
1. Surgery date? August 2, 2006
2. Lbs lost? 38 lbs
3.Main source of protein? Steak, beef, chicken, fish,pork , cottage cheese and yogurt then isopure and and the protica vials
4.How much water? 64-85 oz a day
5.Vitamins? Yes doing great
6.What vitamins? 4 flintstones complete daily & liquid calcium twice a day & 1-b-1 daily as well as the gallstone meds twice daily and b-12 once a week
7. Hair loss? Not that I've noticed really.....I just cut it real short
8. Excercise? Started walking on the treadmill three days after surgery ( very slowly) and now I'm doing 1/2 hr in am and 1/2 hr in pm ( 2 +1/2 miles) per day and tennis on sundays for 2- hours....Just this last 2- weeks started the bowflex ( pumping iron) feels really good ....Thought I'd lose a little faster than this
I lost around a pound a day for three weeks and now that I'm eating my protein it has slowed down.......To 3-lbs a week ( better for the skin saging I guess) I've noticed that I average 500-700 calories a day and do better if I keep my carbs under 30 grams and if I don't exercise I've actually gained weight...............I actually thought that this battle would begin around 6 months out not 2.....I have around 60 more pounds to lose and I've lost around 50 from this time last year..................I haven't been this thin for 20 years...........And this feels wonderful
mahalo to all of you for your support
Aloha Carol....It was so great to see your name on here!! You are doing super and we are both tracking along at about the same place weight loss wise. I, too, am not losing as fast as I'd like, but it is coming off slowly but surely, and I guess that's the name of the game.
Yesterday I went to my first aqua aerobics class at the Kihei pool, and it was great except that there were way too many people...52!! I like my days by myself walking/jogging/exercising in the pool, and will probably keep doing those as well as doing a couple of days of the classes as well.
I hope you'll be at Websiles on Saturday.....Shannon will be there, too. Can't wait to see both of you.
Aloha nui loa,