When wil I feel good??????
I still feel so yucky I have good and bad days but mostly bad. I had major withdraws coming of the oxycodone so for those of you on i****CH OUT. It is like Heroin, and let me tell you it feels like coming off Heroin~so I have seen with family members. I just hate being so negative and I am sorry I just feel so blah all the time. please give me some input I was supposed to return to work on 10/15 and that has been extended until 11/1 so far. I started smoking again and am so MAD at myself for it!!!! Anyhow Mahalo for listening to me vent Shannon
Aloha Shannon, my friend......I sent you an email, but had to respond here, too. The Hawaii forum for some reason doesn't get much action so I go to the "over 50" forum a lot. I know you are YEARS from that, but I wish Hawaii people would post more.
I am not at all surprised that you feel so yucky still. Your poor little body went through everything under the sun while you were in the hospital. It probably will take months before you feel completely normal again. But, just think, you will probably be half your weight by then, too. It's hard sometimes to look far far down the road, especially when you are feeling awful or you are stuck like I am without losing for quite awhile, but everyone keeps saying the same thing........give it time and we will succeed!!
I will probably not recognize you next time I see you!! My friends tell me I definitely look like I've lost weight, but when I look in the mirror I really don't see much of a change. I am wearing clothes that used to be tight though, so that tells me that something is happening.
I hope to see you at Webstiles a week from Saturday!!
Aloha nui loa,
Hi Shannon!!! I'm sorry to hear that you experienced so many problems after surgery.
I know that now that you are past that, you will continue to heal and your journey
will be problem free.
Take care and remember that we are all here for you. We're just an e-mail away.
Please feel free to post and I will try to help anyway that I can. I will be 24 months
post op on January 10, 2007.
Get lots of rest, and don't forget your vitamins and protein! Oh, and also lots of
God bless you and yours.
Hugs and aloha, Pat