profile update
I am home and feeling greatful, optimistic, and ready to begin my new life. For anyone that is interested I have updated my profile. I am surprised at how good I feel. My only issues are standing up straight still - which I am getting better and head hunger - those demons rearing their ugly heads once again.
I know the liquid diet is only temporary, but it is difficult to watch family chow down on pork chops from the grill while I swallow tomato soup. But the best news in my profile is my weight loss. I have already lost 19lbs since I began this journey. (Some before surgery.) However, I weighed in at surgery at 291 and I am now at 279. Love the weightloss with VSG and hope I can keep it up.
Hi Joley!! I'm glad to hear that you are back and are doing fine!!!!
Congratulations on joining the "losing side" !!!
Isn't Dr. Cirangle the best!!! I am still so very grateful that I learned about him and was able to have my surgery done by him.
Hopefully, I'll be able to make the next support group meeting at Pali Momi and look forward to meeting you.
Take care and I'm glad to hear that your weight loss is moving along so quickly!!
Hugs and aloha, Pat