Update on my consult....
I went to my appointment on the 8th...I'm excited just a little more to go. I basically have to get my EKG and probably some blood work (dependant on what my PCP had already done recently) and then that's it. I get to skip on the gallstone/kidney sonogram, sleep apnea test and some others cause I'm not "high" risk. Heck yeah!! Soooo...basically, I need to have my EKG and then my follow up with my dietician in about 12 days and then a follow up with my bariatrician and psychologist in about a month. I have my days scheduled for all that and then I'm done. God is good...I love me some Jesus. Without Him this wouldn't be possible.
I also found out that my insurance fully covers the surgery...other than a $12 co-pay to both the physican and anesthesiologist. What a relief...at first they were telling me I had to pay my patient "percentage" and I was thinking 10% of a $55,000 sugery. Ummm....nope.....it's $24 and about $240 for my dietician. 

Praise Him indeed.
Anywho...all the updates are on my profile (under August 8th-August 11th) if you want to read my blabbering.
Thank those of you who've prayed and sent your well wishes...Imma join yall very very shortly.

You'll love Dr. Murayama, not sure if you got my email a couple of days ago but he's really good! Wasn't as sore as I imagined it to be after surgery and the CWMP team is awesome! Pre-op and post-op nurses were great too! And I think I read somewhere that someone said the anesthesiologist was good looking...yes he is very easy on the eyes. lol
Hope to see you at the OH land conference!