Tomorrow's the day...
After a month of waiting my day has finally come! I have my psych, nutritionist and surgeon appointments at noon. It's starting to finally feel I'm moving somewhere a little faster than before. When the date was so far away, it didn't feel as earth I'm starting to get a lil nervous. I hope my surgery date will be set soon after this...dunno...but God is good and I have faith that all will be taken care of in time (just pray that the time is
Besides that...did anyone see VH1's Celebrity Fit Club with Carnie Wilson? It's funny because I know that they'll be two standard reactions..."I told you the surgery didn't work" or "Wow...maybe it isn't as easy as it sounds." I think the first one will be more common...but it just shows that WLS isn't the "quick, easy fix" that most folks think it is. It's a tool that you need to upkeep to have continuous success. I can only pray to be at 188 (the weight Carnie Wilson is at now) soon...but I can't help to think that maybe having the surgery kept her from going back to 300 pounds after having her baby.
Anywho...have a great Monday. I love THIS day closer to a healthier me. I usually despise Mondays (too much nonsense I have to deal with at the office after the weekend) but today is a great day. Well off to my son's IEP meeting (he's mildly autistic)...public school is a big pain in my big booty. Note to self...must find an adequate Hawaii private school...but it's just so hard when the military runs your life. *smiles* Talk to yall later...
PS - I found the perfect WLS snack (little high in carbs and sodium though). Oberto has beef jerky crisps...they are very chips but high in protein and low in fat. Like I said a little above...they are a little high in carbs and sodium...but much better than eating regular chips, plus you get much needed protein. I think they were $3.19 at Longs last week and there are two flavors that Long's carries (regular and bbq). Yummy!
Hey Karen...
I'm going through Dr. Murayama at Queen's so he basically makes you meet with the above mentioned three first. Then go through the testing if the first set of doctors recommend you for surgery. Then he goes through insurance approval with you last. Basically a 4-6 month process from the seminar date (I went in the beginning of June.)I'll fill everyone in tomorrow afternoon. It'll be a looooonnnnngggg day for'll be there from noon till 4 pm. I'm not looking forward to labs (maybe they won't make me do them tomorrow). Thanks so much for teh support though, you know I can use as much of that as possible!!
YAY!!! Dana, I'm so happy for you! It must be beginning to feel real, huh? That's when the emotions kick in, it's soooo exciting, and scary, and everything else, all at once!
I can't wait to get you over here on the loosers bench though girlie!
I saw a girl I met at the nutritionists appt the day of my first consult yesterday... she was having surgery the next day, (3 mos ago) and she looks soooo fantastic!! OMGosh! It was so great to see her, she looked like she was just glowing. Just think, that'll be us soon enough!
Take care, and let us know how it went!! I can't wait to hear !
Hey miss Tink...
I actually was more excited when I first got my appointment Funny...but I know tomorrow I'll be nervous. I just hope the rest of this goes by quickly. I'm worried about the losing 1 pound per week thing (I figure if I have 1-3 months left I'll have to lose between 4-12 pounds...which really isn't much but I'm a big like food). I know it's all worth it though. I've already started to cut back on the soda and sweets...I know it'll help when surgery time comes. Can't wait to join yall on that side...I'm all for being big and beautiful...I'm just tired of having the big part. I'll let yall know how it went though....
Yayyy for you!! You must be on cloud nine right now! Everyone is right--time will definitely pass quickly once you get rolling with the appts. Let us know what you find out and how things go for you
I am post-op, and haven't tried any beef yet, so I'm not sure how the beef jerky will be for you after surgery....I tried some turkey jerky ans thought it was nasty. I have heard post-opers don't tolerate beef well....but, I also heard the same thing with pork and I have done fine with pork!!!! Everyone is different and it is a MAJOR trial and error process with food after surgery! Good Luck.

Hey Miss Jessica...
I am on cloud's really starting to feel real now. Before it was just an appointment in a it's an appointment TOMORROW. I pray it goes by quickly and smoothly...I've had a hard enough time being least be kind and let my journey to health be smooth.
I've read about your problem with are you feeling now??? I sympathize with you...I know it's hard being a military wife huh? Let me know if you need anything...I'm always on base. =) I've heard all kinda stuff with the food...ughhh not looking forward to finding out what I like all over again...I'm already a fickle eater. Thanks for all the support though...believe me I need it...
Hey there,
I am smiling at your comment about how WLS isn't a quick fix. (It amazes me that so many people actually believe it is!) It sounds like you have done your research and are taking all the right steps to being successful with your surgery. I personally had to wait over two years for approval for surgery. At the time it felt like I was having to wait forever, but now being post-op I am thankful for that time because I was able to really prepare myself for this amazing journey. One thing to keep in mind as your trying out new food ideas for when you are post op is that our tastes buds change drastically after surgery. Things we liked or could tolerate before surgery may not be the things we are able to eat after surgery.
Best wishes to you!!
Two years!! That's a long time...but I think I've been looking into WLS for two years now. I don't think I had the mind-set to do it back then, but I know now that I have done a lot of research and looked into both the positive and negative. I know I'm making the right I'm just nervous about all the appointments today. I go. Thanks, yall, for all the support....