I'm finally home!

Tin K.
on 7/24/06 6:02 am
Hey everyone! I've had almost no internet access for 3 weeks and I've been craving it so badly!! lol... but it's time to update you all on me and how things have gone. This is the quick synopsis - I still have yet to really journal my little journey. I'm gonna work on that this week. Had surgery June 30th. Released July 3rd Nearly died of exhaustion and depression (wanted to eat at the mall soooo bad) on July4th. Dh had to leave me and the kids at the hotel on July 5th July 5th - 7th exhausted, feeling junky, miserable.. poor kids... watched tons of TV in the hotel room Late July 7th - flew home to the mainland so we could move our stuff to Hawaii. July 8th - 23rd on the mainland, packing, cleaning, estate sale, more packing, more cleaning... EXHAUSTION!! But glad to be done with that. July 23rd late - flew back into Hawaii... what a TRIP that was... We nearly missed our flight in Seattle - running like crazy, lost my wallet, had to back track - they almost didn't hold the plane for us, but we made it. SAME story once we got to Honolulu. They refused to check our bags through and there were 3 carts full!! We had to go get them, and then basically run (I did my best) 1/2 mile to the next counter. They had to stop the plane from leaving and we boarded JUST in the nick of time. OMGosh I'm sooooooo TIRED!!! It's been nutty ridiculous. But fabulous at the same time. I THINK I have more energy then before - I mean I think all that activity would have KILLED me previously, but then, I'm not so sure, cause I sure felt like dying, running through the airport pushing 150lbs. The good news, I've lost 26lbs. I'm very happy with that, that makes for 37 in a little over a month. My rings are pretty loose and my pants are getting way baggy on me. I love it! Well, that's it for now - more to come later I hope. Aloha, Tin K
Karen S.
on 7/24/06 12:17 pm - Wailuku, HI
Aloha TinK....I am exhauted just reading your story of after surgery!! How in the world did you do all of that right after having major surgery? Did you get your protein, water and vitamins? I picture the weeks after surgery as lazy daze, laying on the couch gaining strength, not remodeling, packing, racing for airplanes. Good god, girl, you deserve a rest!! I am nervous antsy tonight. Lots going on in my life, too, outside of the surgery day after tomorrow. I just have to put all of that on HOLD while I have my surgery. Way too much going on, and I'm stressing. I will back away from problems starting NOW. I'm glad you are home...and so glad that you are on Kauai while I'm in the hospital. Nice having you close!! Aloha for now, Karen
teresa N.
on 7/24/06 2:40 pm - wahiawi, HI
congrats tin...but thats a lot and u dont want ur body to freak. mine did after readig ur post. i kow in life u gotta do what u gotta do but girl you can slow down now. and congrats on the weight loss. it feels so good. its like dumping sand bags and bricks off your back!! best of luck. teresa
on 7/24/06 4:00 pm - Charlotte, NC
Glad you are home. Now you need about 1 month to rest after all of that running around. Take care of yourself. Jai
Tin K.
on 7/25/06 4:27 am
Hey guys, yes, I know it was a crazy thing to do, but like Teresa said, when you have to, you have to! I normally would have also insisted on being the one to clean the house top to bottom too, but I hired that and the carpets out, along with some other things. I'm usually a real do it yourselfer. Karen - I didn't make my protein and vitamins and stuff every day! Vitamins were'nt hard, I just kept them on my nightstand, but the protein and fluids was very hard. I was the kind who wouldn't drink much if I was busy all day before, so... with my hands busy all day, it was very hard!! I got to a point where I was very dehydrated, but I'm doing my best. I originally pictured lazy days too, until I realized what HAD to be done. Now comes getting the kids back to school on Friday, three different doctors appointments this week and next, unpacking and putting away what I can... it may never slow down! I WILL make it though... lol I have to focus on me now, so if the other things take second seat, so be it. I anticipate it being much better now that I'm home. Jai - I've been saying I needed to have a month to rest when I got home too, but who knows!?!? I have to find a way to get my exercise in now, and am feeling rather lazy!
*~*~My ReAsOnS~* ~*
on 7/25/06 10:31 am - Waipahu, HI
Welcome back! Gguurrrllll....I just don't think I could have survived with three weeks of no internet. You are a nobel nobel person...lol... Glad to hear that your surgery went so well and the trip went by smoothly (even with the minor issues). Congrats on your weight loss! Soon, very soon, I will be there. I have my consult with Dr. Murayama on Aug. 8th...yeah for me! So sad that you have to return back to hurricane/tropical storm warnings...lol. Soon I'll be in the opposite cir****tances (moving into my first owned home)...I just hope it's really soon. Hawaii's home market is such a (fill in any bad word you can use here...grrrrrr). How's the situation at work...I know you were challenged for a little while. Hope all is well! Glad to hear of your "adventures"...talk to you soon. Dana
Tin K.
on 7/26/06 10:46 am
Hey Dana! It was tough, very tough to survive without the internet - fortunately I have two friends from the boards who have kept me up to date and posted some things for me.. but I had to do it, no choice! I can't wait to hear you've had your consult! That means you're on your way, right? Won't he give you the okay to get an actual date? I can't wait to start counting down the days with you girl! How exciting. So for now... it's 13 days till consult, woohoo! Yeah, the hurricane warning took us by surprise our first day back, but sounds like it'll barely be an issue this Sat. when it finally hits us, I guess we'll see. Congrats on the new house! That's fantastic! We're hoping to build in a year, but we'll see. It's sooooo expensive. You're absolutely right. Works, the same ole' same ole' we're still on strike. I'm not back from med. leave yet, so have just been riding that one out, we'll see where it takes me. I really was hoping it would be done before I was off med. Leave!! Not looking like it though. Talk to you again later, Tink
on 7/27/06 6:19 am - Kilauea, HI
Welcome home Tink! Looks like the strike will be going on for a while. We have lots of water and try for high protein stuff too, as there are 5 of us WLS post-ops on the line! Aloha, Joan
on 7/28/06 12:17 pm - Honolulu, HI
Hey!! I am so excited you made it through everything I hope you are feeling great Let us all know how you're doing.
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