Skin Removal
Hi...I'd like to suggest you post also to the Plastic Surgery forum here at obesityhelp - it's a fairly active and friendly board and I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses to your questions. You can find it by clicking the forums tab up top and then choose Plastic Surgery from the Surgery Types Forums list. Best of luck in your endeavors!
Hi Dana!
Welcome to the Hawaii OH Board!!! I just had TT on March 6, 2006. I did not have need to have muscle repair but my ps did relocate my BB.
I was self-pay, and so I paid $6,400.00 out of my pocket. My insurance would not
cover any of it. I am having more work done in September to remove the "dog ears"
from my flanks, and my insurance will cover the surgery, but not the lipo. My cost
will be $2,000.00.
What would you like to know about ps? Please feel free to e-mail me anytime.
Aloha, Pat