Any other Kauaiians on this board?
I am asking because we don't have a support group on this island and I was considering putting an OH sanctioned support group together?? Just wondering if any of you that may lurk on the board would be open to attending something like that?? I will have to do alot more legwork, BUT I would need at least 10 people.. I know of 4 plus myself personally that I could invite, but I also know there are alot more of you on this island!
Any suggestions on how to get the word out?? Do you know someone who might like to come? I think I have some really good connections and would be able to get nutritionists, doctors, physical trainers, physical therapists etc.. to come in and talk with us.. and I was looking to see if we could use Wilcox hospital in Lihue for our meeting place.. I imagine it won't be too difficult to reserve a conference room for a group like this to meet once or twice a month.
So.... anyone interested?? I've already submitted for the training with OH, and all their packets and information etc.. etc... I imagine I'd be ready to be up and going if I pushed hard in 6 weeks or so?
I would call physicians and surgeon's office's and get the word to them that you are trying to put a group together and maybe they could spread the word to their patients.
That is awesome though you are trying to start that up---way to go for you
Maybe you could find a co-helper to do some stuff for you while you are here getting surgery done. I know the support group they had in Virginia at the naval hospital met once a month and it was a set day--I think they had it the first thursday of each month.
Good Luck
Excellent ideas Jessica! Thanks. I figure I need it really bad, and it will help me so much to have the support of local people, so it's worth it to put in the work. Great idea to look for a helper too. I'll see what I can find! I appreciate the encouragement.
Do any of you attend a group? What sorts of things do you do at it?
YES!!! I would love to. The same thought had occurred to me, to start up a support group here, I am glad that I am not the only one. I am going to be out of town until the beginning of August, but yes I would absolutely be part of the support group. I also know someone that is looking into WLS and would possibly be interested in joining as well. I will call and ask her. Please let me know if there is anything I can help with in the next 2 weeks or after the first of August.
Jessica Sherburne